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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I sold my soul for this [Scorch]


    Despite their seeming similarities, their differences were plenty, too. Where Scorch laughed and grinned as a long, hard-lived life had taught her to do in the face of non-serious situations, Hestia stood rigid and with only a glimpse of wry humour in her expression. But this difference of emotional expression was one that Scorch had met in nearly everyone around her. The key laid in the fact that she held herself as regally as Hestia, took herself as seriously, demanded the same amount of respect and obedience - and yet she still laughed. She still found herself full of reason to be merry.

    It was an odd concoction of characteristics, and Scorch held nothing against Hestia for her own secret brew.

    Hestia reacted well (read: barely at all) to Scorch's little display of magic, bringing to mind the time that Brunhild had literally disintegrated into shadow right before her eyes. Sometimes women hide far more (and better) secrets than that place between their legs. Perhaps that statement alone was why Scorch pledged herself to the Zons, twice over.

    Without missing a beat, the Nerinian Queen shows off her own magic - obviously earned from the same type of adventure, if it could even be called that. Scorch admired the wings in silence, their flames reflecting in the colour of her eyes; her heart fluttered at the sight of the tongues, her skin burning in remembrance of the tattoos that once covered her nakedness.

    Ugly, now, and hairless; but it only stood to built character, she reasoned.

    They moved on from the subject quickly. The memories - hard to speak of.

    "They are doing well. Philomena will make Nerine proud - she is one of the best little children. Her heart is pledged to Nerine. And Kha is growing stronger, he comes from a troubled background - though he may not stay, I know he appreciates Nerine for the safety she has offered him." Her eyes flashed thoughtfully. "But I do think that you should meet Philomena... For purposes to be later discussed." Scorch nodded at the request of her to visit Sylva, and she inwardly planned for the trip.

    At Hestia's comment about the men carrying all the load, Scorch snorts derisively. "With you and I here, I don't think that's even a possibility." They were intimidating women, tall, broad, sure of themselves, and powerful - everything a man feared in a woman. And yet, as Hestia said, things have changed... And in her heart, Scorch knew that accepting men into the kingdom would change them at their core from the Amazons they modeled themselves after. Her brows furrowed, eyes dropping, wincing. Scorch had nothing to add to her statement, but their moment of silence for their lost home spoke all that either of them needed.

    Although Scorch understood the discomfort of having your personal life scrutinized by literally everyone (she had been Queen once too, after all), she couldn't help but feel entitled to her own share of the goods. If she were to be a good advisor to her Queen, she ought to know said Queen more than superficially. So when Hestia defies her instincts and quickly surmises the pains she had endured recently, Scorch dips her head in acknowledgement. It's not easy now, Sister, but I am an easy one to practice on. Good on you.

    "I am sorry to hear that, Hestia. I know the pain of losing children. I will help you look for them, even if it is just by listening for names in the wind. I promise you that." She lowered her gaze, a sharp black-green piercing the usual molten red of her eyes as anger surges through her - not loudly as it might once have, but with a tempered stealth. "And... If you ever wish to exchange words with this Fennick. I  am able to speak to the realm of the dead... Not today, I know, but. Whenever, or if ever you need. You know where to find me."

    "As for myself, I have been... Lonely. I miss my husband, who is still dead, though we talk nearly constantly. And I miss my children. I birthed ten of them or so, and now I haven't the means to continue in that way, besides adoption. But Mina and Kha are good children, and I love them as I would my own brood. So. I am content - and ready for whatever Beqanna has to throw at me, at us, at Nerine." She grinned again, large and mischievous and dangerous. "You can count on me for that much at least."

    "I'll take my leave of you for now though, Hestia, as I think it is still early enough for me to travel to Sylva. I'll leave you with this thought: I think you ought to be Khaleesi Hestia. We ar in remembrance of the Jungle, after all... And that way, there won't have to be a final Khaleesi. And if a man ever rules - gods save us - he would be the Khal."

    "At any rate, that's just my mind being bothersome. Thank you for the talk, Sister... I'll be around."
    Stepping forward, Scorch pressed her bare muzzle to Hestia's shoulder in solidarity, and quietly left the gathering area.


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    I sold my soul for this [Scorch] - by Hestia - 02-10-2018, 03:10 AM
    RE: I sold my soul for this [Scorch] - by Scorch - 02-15-2018, 11:27 PM
    RE: I sold my soul for this [Scorch] - by Hestia - 02-16-2018, 11:34 PM
    RE: I sold my soul for this [Scorch] - by Scorch - 02-18-2018, 08:23 PM
    RE: I sold my soul for this [Scorch] - by Hestia - 02-22-2018, 02:44 AM
    RE: I sold my soul for this [Scorch] - by Scorch - 03-04-2018, 06:31 PM

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