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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    hold me in this wild, wild world; Solace & Kagerus
    Out with the golden we sew, and the lower past that crawls.
    Now, to the doorway you run, to the girl that's not lost.
    It is hard to be a kingdom for the youth, when the youth are not plentiful in Beqanna any more. Once, perhaps, there may have been an abundance of young ones in need of homes, without parents to guide them... But now, now they are all being clung to as if they are the future: and they are. Beqanna is quiet. She is bleeding. And the mothers of the land fear that bloody silence.

    It's not our fault we've had to conform to a more traditional form of functioning within this kingdom; but as I say to anyone I meet, Hyaline is a sanctuary, for any who seek refuge.

    When Beqanna heals, there will be more young ones to tend to... Perhaps then Brennen's hopes will be fulfilled.

    I have watched him drift down from the heavens to land on our borders, and am now approaching. Queen Solace had told me about her attempt to steal the high-ranking Ischian, as we happened to attempt a steal around the same time - though mine for Tangerine had been deemed unsuccessful. It smarts, to have failed, but then again, I seem to be the only Hyalinian (besides Solace) to be making any effort at all, successful or otherwise.

    Nickering softly as the distance between us officially comes to a close, I extend my tapered nose to softly exchange breath with the man. He smells of the sea, though in a different way than I do - more sandy, earthy, whereas our kingdom is arid and thin. A soft smile is upon my lips as I lean back to speak.

    "Good to see you here, Brennen. My name is Kagerus, I'm a diplomat in Hyaline." I dislike having to say my title just for the sake of saying it, but I haven't really any other choice. He would be confused if I didn't introduce myself fully, especially after such an Old Way of greeting. "Solace mentioned that you would be visiting, so please, come in."

    I side step and pivot, coming alongside the pegasus as we begin meandering through the kingdom, towards the Lake. "How fares Ischia these days?"
    sweet nothing
    [Image: kag]

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    RE: hold me in this wild, wild world; Solace & Kagerus - by Kagerus - 03-02-2018, 08:01 PM

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