A call echoes off the boulders and between the trees, it is a bold call - the token of someone wholly unafraid and in love with the world around him.
Solace smiles.
Swiftly, her wings bring her forward as she leaps from the height of an interior mountain’s peak, she was fearless when she flew. The call draws her towards the riverlands and wind carries her to him. She watches him for a moment, the way his strong legs barely seem to touch the ground, yet thunder follows him. Solace isn’t supplied that her twin doesn’t look to the sky to find her, and she waits until her shadow crosses his face before letting out a call of her own “Brother! Up here!”
She lands in front of her twin within a swirl of fall foliage, brings with her the ionized scent of the sky as she rushes to his side before her wings are fully folded.
"I'm almost afraid to ask," she laughs as their shoulders and sides come together, her neck arching up to nip at a blue tendril of him mane which sports a new feather, "but tell me about your adventures, I’m just happy to hear your voice again."
She doesn't think of Corvus or his disappearance just yet, although they mystery had stolen many hours of sleep from her mind is entirely captivated by the joy of their reunion - there will be time for the unanswered questions the quieter moments.
caretaker of hyaline