02-17-2018, 02:14 PM
A Gentle Flutter
Mura gently nuzzles her wings, she smirks and begins to concentrate, she thinks of the beautiful butterfly wings that she sees every spring and summer, how nice it would be to sport those around. Alas she was almost there when the sound of another echoed through her ears. Her eyes popped open and an ebony mare appeared in her view, her heart is pounding and she quickly turns to look at her wings. She lets out a burst of air as her wings remain Pegasus, she calmly turns her head to look back at the mare.
what did she say? she thinks to herself, quickly trying to remember, she shrugs and hopes it was just a greeting. Hello, scared me there a dry chuckle escapes her lips, trying to play off any oddity she may have illuminated. This young mare smelled like a pack, she belonged to one of those lands. She steps closer, inhaling her scent, Mura was unfamiliar with all the lands, but she has picked up on the scents as others travel through Beqanna. The scent this mare carries is unfamiliar to Mura, she could not remember what land she belonged to.
what is your name? she demands as she eyes over the young mare, she has never been one to give out her name first.
@[Amorette] <3