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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    show them the joy and the pain and the ending; Hestia

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there...
    dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before...
    Loving with a love that was more than love
    - Edgar Allen Poe
    So much is happening, it’s a whirlwind of events. And it’s a good thing, its not the typical bustle of ‘we have a new queen, everyone freak out’, things are going so much more smoothly than she ever dreamed to be possible. On top of that, residents are coming around, faces that she knows personally, and names she has heard whispered of in the past. They come, not to the meeting, but afterwards. Scorch is bringing in young children, raising them to be loyal to their home. The scheming hairless beast that she is, Hestia can’t help but smile secretly. She sees the effort, she sees all their efforts. It’s working, the monster of a kingdom is being coaxed back to life. This is all she hoped for and more. Long ago she had given up on expectations and hope, silently quelling her soul into cynicism; until nothing remained but scorn.

    She is grateful that the kingdom should be handed to her in this state. It’s fitting, she had hoped to whisper in influential ears; stoking their fire by whatever means to get them to act and bring the kingdom to its roots. Fate seemed to have something entirely different in mind; choosing instead to entrust the kingdom to her directly. At first, she had balked at the idea. She was terrified of taking on a public role. Becoming a figure, figures can fail, figures are not forgotten, figures are held to a higher standard, worst of all figures are expected to explain their actions. She liked being forgotten and looked over, having the freedom to come and go as she will. She had thought that the residents would be just as resistant to the change, since she was not one to be recognized on sight. Would they even recognize her as a part of their collection? So many questions had tumbled around in her head. Then it came time to announce. Even with no expectations she had been devastated by the lack of inhabitants.

    Now though, now she dares to hope, and allows the cynical outlook to slip slightly. The kingdom has consumed every moment of her time. She has yet to leave its borders, to busy organizing and taking care of matters here then to be out recruiting and dealing with diplomatic meetings. She doesn’t even have time to think of them. They are never far from her soul however, and her search for them isn’t over. It’s just put to the side for now, as she focuses all her energy on the tasks at hand. The things she can actually fix right now.

    She’s consuming a quick snake when her vision shifts. The black sand glittering wet in the sunlight. It’s completely empty but for one figure that centers itself in her focus. Hestia’s ears warble and she needs to spread her legs slightly to keep her balance. A snort and a quick shake of her head takes the vertigo from her. It’s not the greatest feeling, but not nearly as bad as mind readers. Those guys she loathes encounters with, their probing is painful, and they often like to announce everything it is that they hear. Sometimes even making shit up, or simply reading expressions to make educated guesses. Either way mind readers are the real assholes to watch out for. It always feels like swords cutting down her walls when those idiots try to sneak in. This is a new sensation, and one that she has never encountered before. All she can think of is being grateful that something isn’t screaming into her head. Not stupid enough to just go straight towards the figure, Hestia stops along the cliff first looking down, to make sure that it is actually what she had seen and not some fucking illusion.

    Seeing the figure for real this time she has a feeling, that this is the creature that gave her the vision in the first place. She sees no one else, and sees no reason not to go to her, so Hestia does what she does best. She investigates. Leisurely making her way down the narrow trail that zigzags its way to the coast. Upon reaching the coast she makes her way towards the woman, the old hag may not be smiling, but she is slightly amused by the antic. That’s a hell o’ way to get someone’s attention. Emerald eyes look over the woman before her, she doesn’t seem the kind to just project randomly, so she must already know who the old bitch is. But she doesn’t recognize this young lady. Had she come after her time? Or had they just never crossed one another’s paths? Whatever the case, Hestia nods in greeting, assuming that she didn’t need to give her name.
    ©Photo by Stanislav Istratov

    [Image: 345k45w.jpg]

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    RE: show them the joy and the pain and the ending; Hestia - by Hestia - 02-16-2018, 11:36 PM

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