The pale mare listens thoughtfully as the newcomer provides some more information about herself. When she mentions the two name's she nods, trying to remember where she had seen the pair last. "Keeper has been doing quite a bit of traveling recently, but Ryan should be around..." She had spotted the mulberry stained stallion from the sky the day before and she had meant to stop to check up on him -but when dusk had fallen another day had passed and she had failed speak with him. Guilt flashes hot in her chest momentarily but it never reaches her face. "If I see Ryan or Keeper I will let them know that you are searching for them. But for now, please make yourselves at home - don't think of it as intruding."
Solace finds herself smiling as Kaurma gently extends her dark muzzle to the sleeping foal - she watches the pair intently. Another child would give her ward the entertainment and life experiences that Solace could not provide. When the young Queen looked around Hyaline, she noticed how many of the mothers spend the majority of their days with their children, and how little she spent with Kaurma. While Solace was no one's mother, she was the closest thing Kaurma would ever have to one - but the kingdom was ever pulling her to the skies.
Maybe a friend could bring the girl out of the solitary darkness.
caretaker of hyaline
@[devin] Just so you know we are talking about you