The mare is taken aback. Rightfully so, given the situation. Still he remains hovering over the fallen mare like the mists that consume him. Her inquiry of who he is brings a grin to his devilish lips, "My master, the child's father, appointed me to watch over the young one until she was found. I am Ouija." His eerie red gaze floats from the live mare to the departed, "Kaurma is safe...with family." He doesn't further provide details as to where they had went or what had truly happened. What horse could believe a foal stole the life of it's mother?
Shortly after the wolf had drifted off, the pair of equines had slipped away to the west. He himself had nearly turned to leave, when the soft hoofbeats of the dark mare peaked his interest.
His eyes return to look to the dark mares face, still weary and unsure. His lengthy limbs bring him forwards. Stepping high over the sunken bones of the carcass remains, he draws closer to the mare. Words tempting answers from the stranger, "And who might you be?" Red gaze slipping from her face to her feminine frame as he veers to her right slightly. Coming to stand before her but to the one side...
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