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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Oh look, a quest! Round four (now with results!)
    You guys are amazing.  Did you know that?  You are.  That was awesome, and I had a lot of fun reading everything you came up with.  You all know how eliminations are my least favorite part of this by now, I’m sure.  Well I’ve got some good news: this round, there aren’t any.  Everyone who made it this far wins.  Hooray!


    “Well that was a disaster.”  The voice is familiar, if muffled by layers of earth.  Light begins to filter through to you as Grumblesnakes, the fairy who started this whole nightmare, digs up your grave.  When he has unburied you, he gathers up all the pieces of your broken body and puts you back in his bag.  He snaps his fingers and the two of you are Somewhere Else, a place made of fog and mist and possibility.  With the waggling of his fingers, the many pieces of you float into the air and rearrange themselves, fitting themselves back together like a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle.  Each time a piece falls into place, it fuses with its surrounding parts until you are whole again.  Well, minus the hair Nerissa lit on fire and burned away.  Grumblesnakes snaps his fingers, and just like that you’re back to your old horse shape, made of flesh and bone and no longer plastic – still your purple-blue-green colors, though.  “The hair will regrow in time,” he says, with a nod toward your relatively naked mane and tail.  “Sorry about that.  Still don’t know what the bosses were thinking, assigning me to this little nightmare.  But she’s not your problem anymore.  Go home, kid.  And I’ll give you a little something extra for your trouble.”  Again the fairy snaps his fingers, and just like that you’re back home…

    You may keep the coloring if you want, or it can fade over the next BQ year back to your original color.  If you want it to fade, let me know and we’ll figure out a marking for you.  And you now have the following trait:

    Shattering – You’ve been torn to pieces so many times, it seems only fair to give you a chance to harness that.  You now have the ability to make objects explode or shatter.


    “Well that was a disaster.”  The voice is familiar, if distorted by your melted head.  Grumblesnakes, the fairy who started this whole nightmare, appears beside you and Mr. Fluffy in the bag.  With a sigh, he pokes at your mess of a body, and eyes the shredded remains of the stuffed bunny as he runs his hand through his hair.  “Okay.  I can fix this.  Well.  Fix you, at least.”  He snaps his fingers and the three of you are Somewhere Else, a place made of fog and mist and possibility.  With the waggling of his fingers, your mangled bodies float into the air.  Your plastic shape softens and begins to flow back into a horse shape, back into the shape he’d first made you.  The pieces of Mr. Fluffy rearrange themselves and flow the same way as the plastic did, mending together and filling back up with stuffing until he looks just like new.  “Mr. Fluffy.  You can go home now.”  With a wave of his hand, the stuffed rabbit vanishes, headed back to his home with Lena looking like he did the day they met.  

    Grumblesnakes turns to inspect you, making sure you’re back to relative normal.  “I know it’s not much, but it’s the best I can do without a wish, kid.  The brat doesn’t want you anymore, so I can send you home too.”  He snaps his fingers again, and just like that you’re back to your old horse shape, made of flesh and bone and no longer plastic – still your pretty new colors, though.  “Still don’t know what the bosses were thinking, assigning me to this little nightmare.  But she’s not your problem anymore.  Go home, kid.  And I’ll give you a little something extra for your trouble.”  Again the fairy snaps his fingers, and just like that you’re back home…

    You may keep the coloring if you want, or it can fade over the next BQ year back to your original color.  If you want it to fade, let me know and we’ll figure out a marking for you.  And you now have the following trait:

    Heat manipulation – Well, you dealt with a whole lot of melting and burning and torture.  Grumblesnakes is giving you the ability to harness that heat and make it your own.  I feel like I can’t adequately express how this can be used in a badass kind of way, so I’m just going to link you to a description.  http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Heat_Manipulation


    “Well that was a disaster.”  The voice is familiar, if muffled by layers of earth and distorted by your melted head.  Light begins to filter through to you as Grumblesnakes, the fairy who started this whole nightmare, digs up your grave.  When he has unburied you, he gathers up the four melted pools of plastic that used to make up your body and puts you back in his bag.  He snaps his fingers and the two of you are Somewhere Else, a place made of fog and mist and possibility.  With the waggling of his fingers, the pieces of you float into the air and rearrange themselves, softening and reshaping and fitting themselves back together until you are whole again.  Grumblesnakes snaps his fingers, and just like that you’re back to your old horse shape, made of flesh and bone and no longer plastic – still your purple-green-silver colors, though.  “Sorry about that.  Still don’t know what the bosses were thinking, assigning me to this little nightmare.  But she’s not your problem anymore.  Go home, kid.  And I’ll give you a little something extra for your trouble.”  Again the fairy snaps his fingers, and just like that you’re back home…

    You may keep the coloring if you want, or it can fade over the next BQ year back to your original color.  If you want it to fade, let me know and we’ll figure out a marking for you.  And you now have the following trait:

    Stegosaurus-shifting – Okay, well the shape you came up with was pretty much the coolest thing I’ve ever heard of.  So I’m letting you keep it.  You are now able to shift between your horse shape, the stegosaurus shape that lent you parts, and the midway form of your awesome equisaur shape.  You’ll start out with full access to the equisaur form, and you’ll gradually be able to use the full stegosaurus form with practice and time.


    “Well that was a disaster.”  The voice is familiar, if muffled by layers of ash and debris and distorted by your melted head.  Light begins to filter through to you as Grumblesnakes, the fairy who started this whole nightmare, digs you out of the wreckage.  His face is pale as he gathers you up and tucks you into his bag.  With a snap of his fingers, the two of you are Somewhere Else, far away from the remains of two fires, from the long-dead sirens and the wails that have gone silent.  He pulls you out of his bag, sets you down, and waggles his fingers in your general direction, humming to himself as your melted plastic body reshapes itself into a horse.  He snaps his fingers again and you’re back to your old self, flesh and bone.  Still purple though, with black and pink streaking your mane and tail.  “I…uh.  Sorry about that.  I have no idea what they were thinking, assigning a newbie to this case.  But she’s…well, she’s not your problem anymore,” he says, looking nauseous.  “Go home, kid.”  Another snap of his fingers sends you back home, but with a little something extra…

    You may keep the coloring if you want, or it can fade over the next BQ year back to your original color.  If you want it to fade, let me know and we’ll figure out a marking for you.  And you now have the following trait:

    Possession – You can transfer your consciousness into inanimate objects, non-equine creatures, and with their permission, other horses.  Conscious beings may fight your possession, and those with psychic defenses can fend you off.  Successful possession allows you to observe through their senses, communicate with them, and speak through them, and with long-term possession and lots of practice it will allow you some control of their bodies.  Long-term possession comes with the risk of losing yourself in the mind of another, though, so be careful.  The ability will start small and build with use over time.


    Nerissa may have wanted you back, but it was only to make sure Lena couldn’t have you.  It isn’t long before you’re discarded again, and when Nerissa is asleep, you hear a familiar voice.  “Well that was a disaster.”  Grumblesnakes scoops you up, tucks you into his bag, and snaps his fingers.  And just like that, you’re Somewhere Else, a place made of fog and mist and possibility.  All he has to do is waggle his fingers and you’re whole again, intact and undamaged as if your torture never happened.  You’re flesh and bone again, but still indigo-gold-fuchsia.  “Sorry about that.  I have no idea what they were thinking, assigning me to that little sociopath instead of…well, it’s not your problem anymore.  Go home, kid.  And I’ll give you a little something extra for your trouble.”  One more snap of his fingers, and just like that, you’re back home…

    You may keep the coloring if you want, or it can fade over the next BQ year back to your original color.  If you want it to fade, let me know and we’ll figure out a marking for you.  And you now have the following trait:

    Regenerative healing – You now have the ability to rapidly heal from any injury, regenerating tissue almost instantaneously.  Think Wolverine from X-men.  This will also keep you from aging and make you effectively immortal, and gives you a pretty much indomitable immune system.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Oh look, a quest! Round four - by Syl - 07-05-2015, 01:39 AM
    RE: Oh look, a quest! Round four - by Erebor - 07-05-2015, 11:11 PM
    RE: Oh look, a quest! Round four - by Ephrelle - 07-06-2015, 12:20 PM
    RE: Oh look, a quest! Round four - by sleaze - 07-06-2015, 05:14 PM
    RE: Oh look, a quest! Round four - by Malis - 07-06-2015, 06:22 PM
    RE: Oh look, a quest! Round four - by Grumblesnakes - 07-08-2015, 01:08 PM

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