02-08-2018, 05:56 PM
She cannot comprehend who it was grooming her. The girl only knew she felt safe. Surely this was her mother returning for her? If it hadn't been the presence seemed motherly enough. She decides (despite knowing the possibilities) that this was her mother just as much as the other mare had been. Mina raises her head to peer at the woman above her, a smile gracing her small muzzle.
"Come, child."
The words were encouraging urging the girl to stand gently. The folded limbs stretch and splay to brace the girl. Mina wobbles before collapsing with a quiet huff. Her brow furrows in confusion, pale eyes peering up at her mother once more. She takes note of how the bald mare stands, the way her legs are positioned to hold her toned bodice.
She tries once more allowing her body to collapse yet again. Though third times a charm and she stands on the third try delighted with her progress, as slow as it may be. She grins at her mother, small ears pointed to the mare.
When her mother spoke of leaving she did not question it. She tries her legs further, stepping forward in earnest. She takes a moment to gain balance before stepping forward again, how exciting walking was! She is asked for a name, and Mina digs deep into her mind to find one.
She shouts, though not too loudly of course. Her voice is high as any child's is, but it is laced with a gentle presence. The painted girl steps toward her mother, nudging her leg gently with her soft muzzle.