Lamb pays no attention to his smell, it is his size that entrances her. Never had she seen such a magnificent being as he. "Crevan." His name passes through her own lips with a distracted whistle tone. He asks of her destination and the girl chuckles. Had the river been so important? She had found what she wnted (company) within her own home it seemed. Lamb moves to reply, getting as far as "Well I-" Her mother? How long had it been since she had seen her mother? Almost a year? Lamb smiles at him forlornly, quietly surprised with the fact that they had been almost eyelevel. "It has been a long time since I have seen my mother Crevan." Her voice was a somber whisper, the lilt in her voice bittersweet. Perhaps they should move on, suddenly Sylva seemed to suffocate her. She needed space for a few hours, time to think. "I was on my way to the river, I'd love for you to join me." She continues, ears perking as though they hadnt been flattned to her neck moments before. It was no the wolf's fault she had been upset, it was just the memories that plagued her mind. Maybe it was that way for every foal like her. For so long Faible was all she had known, the seperation just got to be too much at times. One day she'd go till sunset without thoughts of the creme mare. One day.