07-07-2015, 04:23 PM
this will never end, ‘cause i want more, more, give me more
She is almost a teensy bit jealous. Almost.
“Sorry about your parents…” She’s never known what it’s like to have two loving parents, but she can imagine that knowing them, and then missing them, and then finding out in a very bizarre way that they’re dead is not exactly the way to go. “... at least you know they’re happy. And together. If I saw mine, she’d probably yell at me or something.” Lagertha chuckles and shrugs. The only message she’d ever gotten from the crazy old hag had been from Quark’s Strange little girl. And that message had been a simple ‘don’t fuck up’ sort of thing. Commanding, but not very endearing. Lagertha, however, had taken it to heart, though she isn’t sure how things are going at the moment. They seem to be rather stagnant because of forces outside her control.
But there is always change on the horizon. So she continues to look to it.
That chuckle turns into a broad laugh at the idea of Rhy riding on Vanquish and somehow being tossed through some portal… in either form, it was preposterous and hilarious and all too Beqanna-y. The chuckle hides her relief that Rhy is all right. As they die off, she gets a mischeivous look her dark eyes. “So… do tell me about Kratos. Should I expect a brood of lightning babies any time soon?”
carnage x grim reaper; amazonian general