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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Round 1: The Characters
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oleo+Script|Parisienne" rel="stylesheet"><style type="text/css">.R37_container {position: relative;z-index: 1;width: 500px;padding: 15px;background: transparent url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/51f0e0dd37fd6c21cda42d81ab224c02/tumblr_oz83mp1hxO1wc2gv3o1_1280.png')center;border: 2px solid #292929;box-shadow: 0 0 2em #000;}.R37_container p {margin: 0;}.R37_image {box-shadow: 0 0 2em #000;border: 2px solid #292929;height: 484px;}.R37_message {text-align: justify;font: 12px 'Times New Roman', serif;padding: 15px 15px;color: #f7cada;background: #000;box-shadow: 0 0 2em #000;border: 2px solid #292929;}.R37_name {position: absolute;z-index: 3;text-align: center;font: 50px 'Parisienne', cursive;color: #f7cada;bottom: 1040px;left: 340px;text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #fff;}.R37_quote {text-align: center;font: 18px 'Oleo Script', cursive;color: #fff;padding: 20px;text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #000;}</style><center><div class="R37_container"><img class="R37_image" src="https://78.media.tumblr.com/b0a0cd9494a6fca3c1594a8b3f96054e/tumblr_p2m3o9IXbD1smku65o1_1280.jpg"><p class="R37_name">Rey</p><p class="R37_quote">-Black cat in disguise-</p><p class="R37_message">Have you forgotten me yet?

    <i>Was I ever someone to forget?</i> No matter. I wake regardless, like the rest of you. I blink my eyes in much the same fashion too, when the haze of a full night’s sleep begins to wear off. Tucked beneath the makeshift roof of a Loessian rock formation, I have come to know the meaning of the word <i>blend</i> so well that I feel I am nothing substantial at all.
    I never have been.

    But today, (<i>without my prior knowledge</i>) this will change. I have waited in anticipation of this moment since my birth and yet, when it strikes, I’m just as much caught up in the oddity of it as any other creature might be. Perhaps this is because it happens so slowly, or rather so quickly that it <i>feels</i> slow, and then (<i>like everything involving change</i>) it will be too late for me to stop it from happening.

    It begins with my awakening. I have stretched now; extended the crystal-clear wings between my shoulders to their full length and given the rest of my stiff body a quick shake. Fresh dew slings free of my pretty skin in great veils of glittering sunlight with the action, while the more stubborn droplets have frozen across my whiskers and the tips of my clear feathers in the night. I need sunlight, maybe a dip in the steaming twists of water. It’s with languorous freedom that I move out from my hideaway to complete these actions.

    There is no one to tell me <i>no</i> here, no one to stop me from leaving or going as I please, though I haven’t left since Ivar first brought me. Loess has become as familiar as any other stable thing in my life, though it doesn’t define me. I am in Loess, true, but perhaps I am not <i>Loessian</i>, like my shady rock or the steaming rivers. I am <i>Rey</i>, the girl with no true color who sometimes finds it in herself to grace the more habitable areas of her Kingdom with the ghost of her presence.

    <font color=#fff>“Strange.”</font> I find myself murmuring aloud, noting the oddness of an oncoming fog. It had not <i>felt</i> as if rain was on the way last night - no discernable pressure in the air or fluctuation of temperature - but it’s here all the same. The lovely warmth of the hot springs draws me on, however. I can’t be bothered by the weather today. 

    The weather will bother me anyways. <font color=#fff>“Hello?”</font> I call out as the thick wave of <i>nothingness</i> blots out the sun. I turn around - I’m blocked in. The damn wall of mist was everywhere, all around me, devouring Loess and I can do nothing but huff in frustration and turn back ahead. But now even <i>ahead</i> is gone! There’s only a thing, a … a name? <i>My</i> name, and it hovers beside me presently - strangely ominous for something so simple.

    <i>REY</i>, it says. I laugh.</p></div></center>

    Messages In This Thread
    Round 1: The Characters - by The Creator - 01-14-2018, 08:04 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Vitalo - 01-14-2018, 10:30 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by AuroraElis - 01-15-2018, 08:18 AM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Saedìs - 01-15-2018, 03:13 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Rey - 01-15-2018, 04:34 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Moggett - 01-15-2018, 05:27 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Hod - 01-15-2018, 07:46 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by sleaze - 01-15-2018, 09:17 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Ceara - 01-16-2018, 12:32 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Kylin - 01-16-2018, 03:22 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Ygritte - 01-17-2018, 08:45 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Faulkor - 01-17-2018, 10:32 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Gansey - 01-18-2018, 12:06 AM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Trissy - 01-18-2018, 05:42 PM
    RE: Round 1: The Characters - by Valensia - 01-18-2018, 09:45 PM

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