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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The evening sighs, so close your eyes and tell me what you see- Amorette, any


      A boyish smile lifted the dozing man's features. These long months without vision had gifted him with an unexpected compensation. Hearing sharpened beyond its previous scope alerted him to the cautious steps that precluded Amorette's arrival. A lurch of guilt played low in his chest, regretting that his insecurity had made such loud approaches necessary.

    The sweet mare's unfailing kindness was even more marked against his sometimes gruff and defensive demeanor. Their relationship, dare he call it friendship?, had grown from rocky beginnings. She had only been trying to help. He had realized that too late, lost in the foggy place where memory and reality confused their borders. She had left him in a safe place and had not visited again for some time. Frankly, he had been amazed she had ever deigned to approach him again after their first meetings' violent outlashing. But she had, and he had been given enough time that he was no longer entirely trapped in the past. It had been a beginning.

    Her soft voice carried to him over the surface of the balmy pool, followed by the gentle sounds of the water shifting to accommodate her. Stepping to the side just slightly, enough to stand close but not touch, the painted man let loose a sigh of contentment. "Enjoying it, yes. Nearly as much as I enjoy your company." He replied, feeling that this was to be a particularly good day. His head hardly ached at all in the mineral humidity of the spring, and with Amorette's arrival, he felt more like his old self than he had in ages. Shaking his head so that fine droplets flew from the tips of his deep brown mane, the goldenrod stallion considered her next question.

    "You know, I think I'm actually doing well? Still not sleeping much, but the dreams haven't been as intense. I haven't been as anxious. I haven't felt this good in a long time. How are you?" He concluded, half-smiling a little to the left of the woman. A sudden unfamiliar rustling only a little ways off takes his attention quickly. It is large and decisive, whatever it is. At once, he surges from the spring, shedding a curtain of water as he moves. It is instinctive, to place himself between the fire-woman and this potential threat, to brandish his half grown horn warily towards whatever has come across them. Amorette. It is not his tongue that speaks her name. The voice is deep, masculine, and the question it holds is clear. Who is this, and what is he to you?

    Did she have a mate? He did not know. It was a subject they had not discussed, had not felt it necessary. Why would it be, when their relationship had been more healer and patient than anything? And yet a pang of jealously struck him quietly. If this was in fact her mate, he could not see the strange man being overly tolerant of Amorette's visits, even as innocent as they were. Was he about to lose his only friend?

    For all his posturing, he knew that without his sight, it was only a bluff. Blowing out a heavy breath, he relaxed his pose just a bit. Let Amorette speak, perhaps she would answer the questions now burning in his mind. .

    You are The safest way into tomorrow

    @[Amorette] @[Warrick]

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    RE: The evening sighs, so close your eyes and tell me what you see- Amorette, any - by Bragi - 01-15-2018, 12:48 AM

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