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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The evening sighs, so close your eyes and tell me what you see- Amorette, any
    like the sun swallowed up by the earth
    The heat of the jungle barrels down on him unforgivingly, seeping through the thick canopy of the tropical trees and burning onto the broad of his back as he moves swiftly through his home. He keeps moving, despite the fact his increasing heart rate only adds to the sweat that has dampened the auburn of his chest and haunches; the cool breeze he feels against his neck and face as he moves is enough to keep him continuing forward.

    Not much gets by Warrick. His eyes are keen and his ears are always twitching, always listening. The minute something is even the slightest bit out of place from the normality, he is there in a heartbeat. This is much the same for today as he moves along the border of Tephra, nostrils twitching as he realizes that he is not alone in the humidity of Tephra. One scent is familiar and it creates a smile on the darkened navy of his lips, and the other is somehow different, and his smile fades into one of contemplation, trying to place a face in his mind.

    Without hesitation, the Overseer has changed his course, trotting briskly through the humid jungle and into the open plains, streaked with magma rivers as well as hot springs, fed by the volcano that looms before him. He is not surprised that Amorette is once again near its base, but is the other that he comes upon that causes his brows to twitch upwards in curiosity. When he arrives, the two are belly-deep in one of the warm rivers, and both look extremely content in their relaxed state. He did not know the man next to Amorette, and slight look of concern finds his eyes (it always does), for he does not wish for Amorette to be in any ill-will. But she is calm and relaxed beside the buckskin, so Warrick remains stoic and gentle despite the questioning look in his eye that he gives Amorette. His feathers rustle at his sides as his wings reset themselves, bristling slightly.

    “Amorette,” he greets her with a bob of his head (he had told her to bring him new faces, the broken and forgotten, for in Tephra they will be anything but - maybe this is one of them) and he then slides his bright blue gaze towards the stranger, nickering softly. “Who is your friend?”

    @[Amorette] @[Bragi]

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    RE: The evening sighs, so close your eyes and tell me what you see- Amorette, any - by Warrick - 01-13-2018, 08:02 PM

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