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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I Don't Make Love; Kryptic, Kolera [Levi]
    As she had stepped from the dank cavern, the twist smile upon her lips never dissipated.  In fact with each ruffled feather she had caused upon the King of Tephra, it grew even more.  His stern words and furrowed brow was pleasing to her eyes and ears.  But when all was said and done, she was to be banished.  That was all fine and dandy.  The only reason she had ever came to the God forsaken island was to see her father but he had abandoned her just as she abandoned her own kin.  Perhaps it was a family curse. Selfishness.

    Her amber eyes turn to view her keeper through the twisting flames, "Shall we..." It wasn't a question nor permission.  It never was.  She had no further reason for being here and she wasn't wasting anymore time.  She had things to do.  

    As her body turns towards the far border, she calls to her children, "Kryptic... Follow.  Kolera, walk with me my child.  I have much to ask..." There is hesitation but soon their muffled steps are heard through the crackle of flame.  She turns to the mottled stallion who seemed to be perturbed by something, "I take it you know my daughter... Foolish girl isn't she." Her voice rises a decibel to project across the rolling flames, "  Why don't you destroy Tephras beautiful flora for me?  Show them why they shouldn't mess with me." Her ebony ears twist back, waiting for her daughter's compliance.  It never comes.  Only words. 

    I can't.

    Motion halts from the golden mare.  Eyes narrowing on the scenery before her in distaste. "What?! You can't or you won't..." Her words hold bite at Koleras resistance.  Soon the bay explains that she had the fairies remove her curse in exchange for a gift.  A snort flutters from her flared nares as she steps forwards again.  The ever present flames surrounding her.  Suddenly it was getting very warm within them.  "I see. I'm disappointed in you Kolera.  You had such potential.  Such talent.  I guess you are just as useless as your other siblings.  You WERE my favorite Kolera." The pitch in her voice stressing the past tense of her statement.  Disappointment grows rigged in her muscles and features.  

    They had nearly reached the channel separating the mainland from the tropical oasis.  She hears the stumbling steps of her newest child.  Out of her peripheral vision she sees him stagger to remain upright.  The wings at his sides weak from lack of use.  Ebony tassels whip in agitation.  Another weak abomination.

    They arrive at the bank of the water.  The rushing rapids of a recent snowfall in the mainland feeding it's current.  One hoof dips into the water but she retracts it quickly, "Ooo that's bitterly cold... Well I guess this is good bye Levi.  We had fun, didn't we." A chuckle emits from her vocals, "I hope you make it across Kryptic.  Kolera.  Would you be so kind as to bring your brother to Loess.  I'm sure Ivar would LOVE to know of his spawn.  Or do whatever you want with him... Maybe we will meet again.  But I hope not..." With that she shifts into her alter form.  Dodging through the tendrils of flame that held her captive...
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
    HTML by Call

    @[Levi] Kolera Kryptic... So I'll probably continue a bit with Kryptic trying to get across but maybe Levi and Kolera share a few words...? Smile
    Take a bite
    If you dare

    Messages In This Thread
    I Don't Make Love; Kryptic, Kolera [Levi] - by Karaugh - 01-05-2018, 08:26 PM

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