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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    keep a little fire burning; svedka, any
    the secret of our world is written in the stars
    There is a mischievousness in Svedka’s eyes that glimmer brilliantly when Smoak is not happy about his answer, and he lowers his head slightly as if there may be listening ears around them. “The horses in the plains are truly wild, Smoak.” He raises his eyebrows slightly, a look of sensuality on his face that only appears when two men are discussing the vivacious topic of sex and lust, and not for a moment does Svedka even stop to consider that Smoak perhaps hasn’t experimented in ways that he was able to outside of Beqanna - but his friend asked and the gold and ivory stallion, and Svedka is happy to delve into the details of his time there. “They are phenomenal - beautiful creatures, passionate beings - they were entranced by my ancestry, I felt so much -  I never wanted the nights to end.” He grins, his cobalt eyes burning - he left the rest up to Smoak’s imagination. However, the back of his mind trickles to Corvus, and their passionate night beneath the willow, and how he would prefer that night over and over again than any beneath the moonlight of the plains. He doesn’t expound on this, though, out of respect for his evergreen lover - he also rather enjoyed having their coupling a secret, something hidden away beneath the willow’s vines. “You would do well there, I think.” He admits with a grin. “I might’ve stayed there, with mother, but I longed to see Solace again, and you too, my bone-plated friend.” Svedka reaches his neck forward to tug playfully at the champagne threads of Smoak’s long mane, barely catching the tendrils before the young stallion flits away, his laughter on the wind.  

    Svedka ignores the way Smoak doesn’t finish his first sentence, though he has an inkling as to why. With a roll of his yellowed shoulders he dives forward to attempt to bite the creamed-colored skin that ripples with the strength of the muscles beneath, his eyes sparkling with delight - Smoak is dangerously close to giving away his little secret, but Svedka is thankful that he has chosen not to do so at this moment, or to give any other hints to his true feelings besides taunting him.

    With a sharp snort, Svedka pulls his chin to his chest, ivory and blue tendrils of mane and forelock fluttering around him in the ocean’s salty wind. “Ellyse and Dahmer, huh? Interesting.” A brow rises in amusement - he never understood the traditional way of ‘being together’ - mother and father were always separated, but the way Smoak’s eyes light up, Svedka knows it is a good thing.

    With a quick step he closes in on Smoak, his eyes widening with concern suddenly - a look that nary befalls the stallion’s handsome face. “Kill you?” he repeats, incredulous. He remembers the stallion from his time in Tephra, and his chest tightens with the feeling of anger - an emotion that rarely escapes him. “Where is he? I’ll - I’ll kill him.” He asks disgruntledly, his ears hidden away beneath the mass of ivory and blue mane, his lips curling with distaste. He has no powers, of course, and he’s sure that any bear he’d ever face would certainly kill him. “Solace should kill him,” he adds quickly, thinking of the light beam that she wields within her - one look at Ledger and he’d fall victim to the powerful ray of light. He then wonders if Corvus could - the sturdy protector of Hyaline, with his torrents of powerful wind. He keeps that thought to himself, however, comforted by the idea that the buckskin could easily protect all them. “How did you survive?”
    (be my escape)


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    RE: keep a little fire burning; svedka, any - by Svedka - 12-30-2017, 12:16 PM

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