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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'm still waiting for the world to end; birthing, any
    Sorry posting from mobile

    Wichita had heard all the commotion, had done her best to hurry, but pregnancy was quite the burden on her small frame.  Her petite frame was awkward when swollen,  barrel swaying left and right as she tried to cover ground. She finally realized that rushing would do her no good, may even cause herself injury, and so, she took her time. Each time she heard a cry of pain from her friend she winced, chills racing along her own pelt in sympathy. She herself was frightened of the pain foaling would bring, lately she had tried to push those thoughts to the very depths of her mind. The audible notes of hurt only solidifying her fear, creating more doubts of the unknown.

    Truly Wichita had seen births, a few in fact. The whole process was messy, and almost always accompanied by sounds that would make your teeth grind. Watching and actually doing, now those were two very different things. She would no longer just be a witness, she herself would experience the agony of releasing another life from her nether parts. Oh the joys of motherhood.

    She watched figures slip past, first the black beauty Voudou. A lovely long,legged creature whom usually kept to herself, often fleeing further and further away when Wichita had chance to spot her. She never did get the opportunity to strike up conversation, get to know the raven better. Now what was interesting, was the little black dot the followed, doing its best to keep up with it's mothers long strides. Poor little darlin' Wichita thought as she watched, still slowly gaining grown towards Fiasko cries.

    Soon, the cries ceased, the act probably complete by now, and Jason's blue grey form could be seen closing the distance. As she neared she took in the sight before her, not one, but two small foals cling to their mother. Fiasko. The Queen had birthed twins, what a wonderful blessing for the Gates. Wichita nickered happily as she neared, hips still swaying as she went, her legs looking a bit more toned from the recent exertion.

    "They sure are purdy, all of 'em."she even offered her well wishes to Voudou.
    "I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner, I'd like ta have been here with ya. Ain't so easy gettin' around as it once was."she really had hoped to be there for her Queen, her friend, when she started the labor. There to help comfort her, like she and her mother always had for the others back home. A gentle reassuring voice, a shoulder to cry on if need be. She would however have to settle with just being able to make it over there, her eyes soft as she looked over each new babe.

    Aspiring Diplomat of the Gates

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    RE: i'm still waiting for the world to end; birthing, any - by Wichita - 07-05-2015, 08:27 PM

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