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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Flames so red like bludfire, fire - Reagan

    She'd called ”Mom?,” but nothing had happened. Her next attempt, ”Reagan?,” had been clue for more events. Returning to Taiga had been the trigger for memories to resurface. Enfys hadn’t been the only one, and although the fate of her baby sister had been on her mind, the one who hadn’t stopped haunting her.

    She knows, remembers, that she’d last seen her in the forest. It had also been there where she had found Enfys. No. Jinju shakes her dark head. She hadn’t found Enfys, her baby sister (who probably wasn’t her baby sister anymore) had been trusted in her care. Something tells her that she failed at that, but right now all Jinju can do is hope that Enfys was safe and happy, because her attention and focus is on someone else. Someone she remembers again, the someone that had stepped forward and looked after her when she had needed it the most.

    ”Mom?” Her voice is hesitant and soft, the sound unfamiliar coming from her lips and yet at the same time so very familiar. It causes a shiver to run down her back, but gives her courage too. ”MOM!” This time her voice is louder, but had it been loud enough?

    Her search carries her through the forest, Taiga getting further and further behind her, and through the forest she nears the river. Jinju hears the rush of the water before she can see it, and call it either luck of fate, but once the black girl steps out from the treeline. Her breath stocks in her throat and when she speaks, her voice is barely more than a whisper. ”Mom?”

    Flashes of the past fly by. For a moment Jinju doesn’t see the gray and emerald mare, but instead she sees a tall deer. It’s color swirling into all imaginary and all unknown ones. As she stands frozen the deer turns into a stag, antlers growing and disappearing soon after. And then, Reagan.


    “My sun is set to rise again.”

    @[Spink] <3 <3

    Messages In This Thread
    Flames so red like bludfire, fire - Reagan - by Jinju - 12-22-2017, 04:40 PM

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