12-21-2017, 11:56 PM
He snarls, pleased to have finally found his quarry. Little Zephyr was it? Like the wind. Well she ceratainly wasn't going to be blowing around any other dark gods any time soon. Deimos squeezes into Zephyr's face, before releasing her from his grasp - small droplets of blood pool there in those holes of his making before crying red tears down the side of her alabaster skull. Oh, to taste blood again, His massive wings pumped once, agitatedly as he pushes away from her in a speed that belied his size.
Fire in his eyes burns the spot that bears his name, and his nostrils flair as he pulsates, surging his energy into her. his lip is curled and his mane and tail are replaced by black fire and shadow as he drawls out his words. "Carnage may have given you that brand... but it is not his name to give!" He steps closer to her then, his hooves transforming back, his magic withering to show his true form.
Hooves cracked and broken, covered in a slick oil that dripped from his still beating heart rattling against the necessity of his rib cage. His body falls apart, having died three times, Hellspawn that was spat back out. his flesh falls to the ground at his feet as he appraoaches, melting into puddles of black ash and tar that smoked and stunk putrid rotting stench of death. Deimos is undone.
He is bone, and heart, and black flesh dripping. He is the son of Mars."Look in to my eyes, Little Zephyr. My name is Deimos. You bear my brand on your pretty little face."
A black forked tongue retreats from his jaws, running down the side of her face on the side where her brand is. A black fog rolls in - there is no escape for her now. "You now belong to me."
cry ‘havoc’ and let slip the dogs of war…
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