12-21-2017, 02:30 PM
You give my life direction; you make everything so clear.
With the impending arrival of life stirring in the womb of the most remarkable creature he had ever had the opportunity to meet, he is even more aware of what a failure he has been to the children already born of his loin. To the wayward sons that carried hatred in their hearts, to the daughter of water that carried the gold of his canvas but nothing more and no other part of him. Was it him, or had it been their mother? His own mother had been quiet; calculating. She was reserved in affection, ripe in her own youth and concerned about appearances.
Ellyse had never been less of a mother in his own eyes, but he often wondered if she had been more affectionate, or if perhaps he had not seen the love between his mother and father die away so suddenly, he might not suffer from the wanderlust that so often consumed him.
The constant drive for more, sated only by the tender kiss of Jah-Lilah –
There is rumor his mother has taken to the forest, with another he can only vaguely recall by memory – had she finally found the same contentment that he had?
His train of thought is interrupted by a shimmer of gold (much richer and brighter than his own; each individual scale reflecting in the rippling sunlight) and he is sweeping down with ease, carried to the ground by the wind born from his chest as a smile touches his lips. Beside Amet is his own Jah-Lilah, heavily pregnant and radiant, and he cannot keep himself from pressing soft and tender kisses against the swell of her hip, and the roundness of her belly.
Though he cannot keep himself from holding some small piece of doubt in his heart, he is drawn to the nurturer that is his mesmerizing sparkler, and he is content in knowing that his daughter would be more than well-cared for and deeply loved, if not by him, by the incredible force of womanhood and femininity and power that carried her in her womb.
”Talking about me?” he muses to her with a gentle nudge of his shoulder, while his russet feathers bristle and twitch into place as his wings are drawn tightly to his sides. His gaze flickers to Amet, the warmth in his smile never fading. ”Hopefully all good things. Amet. You look .. really well. You look happier than I have seen you in recent days,” he pauses, ”though it has been some time. I hope that we are not intruding. We only seek shelter for a short time.”
And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight.
@[Jah-Lilah] @[Amet]