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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In the Darkness brings a butterfly
    Drink thy poison lightly dear,

    Where to begin on introductions? there were only a handful here, and only three of which I have met and become acquainted with. But each one had engrained themselves into my mind and beens stored in prestigious spots in my memory bank. 'Our Queen is Straia. She is firm yet fair. She takes no nonsense but offers a chance to grow and expand your horizons, so long as it helps build the Chamber.' Straia, the painted queen. she made an impact on me in the field; no nonsense and to the point. 'Kavi and Warship, I have yet to meet. they are on their own missions, personal or otherwise.' I pause, wave a swish of my tail against my hocks and continue to watch Mystic with cerulean pools. Curious and curious. My tongue is black magic and lace as I speak, 'Sir Erebor, is Straia's Son. He is young, yet has a mind far older and wiser.' a smooth smile, debonair and a little risqué touches my lips, Mystic was a mare, she was a girl with a girl's mind, she spoke of love, of children, i'm sure she might have appreciated my next statement. 'You can't miss him. Handsome devil he is.' my ears turn inward and my smile piques into a quick grimace. Erebor was a handsome one, but it was not him that had caught my eye so much. It would have been so obvious if it had. But my dead heart, my blue eyes, they had only collapsed and cracked along with my mask on that midnight hour...

    'Killdare is a rugged diamond really. He is not all that sociable, but he is a soldier and will protect the chamber with as much blood as he could spill.' I eye her up then, blue eyes drawing to meet hers square on. my smile wavers and for a moment I remember when I had let my mask slip and slide that night, as we explored the darkest depths of the chamber in search of Atrox's heart. Can you hear that, beneath your feet?' I ask her, dropping my muzzle to touch the damp earth, the ash and scars beneath drinking in my nares. Atrox's heart still thumped beneath, gentle, almost there, but for those that had dwelled within the chamber was a while, it became like a second sight. A homely sound.


    there are deeper and darker things than you;

    professor of the chamber
    html by magpie77 - photo manip by beequeen - character by magpie77

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    RE: In the Darkness brings a butterfly - by Engelsfors - 07-05-2015, 12:38 PM

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