im a DIY pioneer, they tryna get involved
She had stayed.
Why on earth had she stayed? She'd been kicked off this hell hole years ago for trying to do the very thing that she was doing now - simply standing there. And yet, she had not only come seeking someone who apparently no longer lived here anymore, but she'd been invited to stay. And yet she was not entirely sure as to why. Did Krone not know of her part in the overthrow that Kirin had done all those years ago?
A cold look raises a quizzical brow as DW stands by a rather silent pool - the surface of which was like glass. It seemed that no one came to this part of the world. She has been here a few times... and yet nary a movement beneath the water, no hair of a resident. Strange thing, that.
And so, she lays down - a rare moment in relaxation. Hardly ever does she let her guard down. But as she lays there, her black hoof lazily dipped in the water, she smiles and blinks. a single silvery fish comes floating to the top, his belly busted and his guts falling out. And then watches as she reverses the process. Sending him on his way, swimming, and then rising to the top again. Toying with life at a whim.
It was what she lived. for.
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