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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Like an unwanted stranger - Klaudius

    After departing from the kingdoms get together, they had parted ways.  He had some ideas rattling about in his handsome head.  Some plans to further his clutches on the island that was once his father's.  His little sister could keep her crown.  He'd be sure it remained delicately placed between her chocolate ears.  Any threats to that and he'd see to it they be removed.  When his thoughts had been presented and executed he returned to the skies once again.  A new need came to mind...

    He ridded his body of any forms he had taken on during his talk with Krone.  The extra weight of earthly metals was not easy in flight so he shedded the majority.  Retaining a decorative mask of silver over his lavender face.  It was delicately designed to span across the width between his silver-hazel eyes.  Stretching midway down the length of the bridge of his nose.  The metal sheened even in the weakening daylight as the sun began to creep towards the horizon.  Each thrust of his wings bringing his farther across the expanse of the island.  The cream mare had headed off in this direction so he figured he'd find at least her scent lingering in the humid air...

    She had been as captivated by the cliffs as he had so it made sense to try there first.  Banking left on the air currents, he circled towards the very edge of the jagged rocks.  Turbulent waves below crashed into their unwavering position.  Tossing a spray of sea water into the atmosphere.  Manuvering above the reach of the droplets as to not hinder his flight abilities.  They may still be needed.  

    His hooves clipped along the rocky terrain as he landed.  Lavender wings folding at his side once he gain balance.  He stopped movement as his eyes surveyed the area.  Nares flaring to inhale any scents of those near.  Lavender crown swivels left, then right.  She had been here not long ago.  He turns from the inner sights of jungle to look out across the sea.  She would not have gone into the confines of the forests.  That would be uncharacteristic of such a free spirit.  As he turns and steps towards the edge, a simmer of white draws his gaze downward.  There was a granite stone that held a cream feather in place.  A grin stretches across his lips.  

    Muzzle lowered to the rocky plain, he brings himself towards the rock.  Lavender ears twist forwards as his lips run along the wispy edges of the puzzle piece.  He tastes her sweat on the edge of his pale lips.  Raising his head along with the upper half of his muzzle.  The pheromones intoxicating.  With a snort and a possessive shallow whinny he shakes his head.  Following her trail now to the cliffs end.  Silver eyes look down as his maw is brought to his chest.  A toss of lavender tassels is given as his wings reach out again.  Limbs gathering under him to launch him off the cliff...

    This time he doesn't fly high nor far.  With enough distance between him and the climbing rocks he examines the balconies of granite protruding from the side of the formation.  Some much too small for a horse of any size to land comfortably.  Only a few were large enough but where to start...

    He had decided to try one, but then a glint of light reflected off something on another ledge.  Drawing his attention once again and forcing his hand to go see what it was.  He liked shiny things after all.  With a faster beat of wing he hovered to land on the ledge.  Hooves scraping to gain traction on the slick surface.  Once footing was secured his eyes turned to find another cream feather at the opening of a cavern.  A slight chuckle escaped him as he folded his feathers tight to his sides and entered the hole in the cliff.  

    His hooves softly echoed off the walls of the cavern announcing his coming.  Slowly his eyes accustomed to the dim lighting but finding her was not hard.  The scent alone was enough but the illuminating hue of her flesh made her location known.  "Clever girl," purred from soft vocals. His lavender muzzle reaching for a place along her neck in greeting.  "I've missed you Sabra," the edge of his lips trailing down the length of her neck to her breast.  Capturing her sapphire eyes through the mask of silver still wrapped around his crown.

    I was just born this amazing

    @[Sabra] ummm me too lol and I'm not proof reading it XD  I picture his mask looks similar to a masquerade ball mask https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/...SS350_.jpg

    Messages In This Thread
    Like an unwanted stranger - Klaudius - by Sabra - 12-16-2017, 01:46 AM
    RE: Like an unwanted stranger - Klaudius - by Klaudius - 12-17-2017, 10:14 PM

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