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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    My words are unerring tools of destruction; Femur/Any
    I love the way you rake my skin, I feel the hate you place inside.
    Femur is the mother of misfits.
    She finds them - via accident or luck, she finds them and makes them her own. Each misfit becomes her misfit. One more in a collection of like children that have been left by their mothers, even if only for a little while: colts and fillies left to nap as the mothers graze in broadening circles that take them further and further away until Femur sneaks in, a ghost-girl with a fanged smile, and gives them what the mothers should have been giving them - milk, love, and closer attention than their own mothers thought to give them.

    Femur excels at this, she decides.
    It is how she found him, her little Gansey-boy and why now, he follows her without a moment’s hesitation. Even if he had hesitated in the slightest, she would have goaded him on with more mothering touches and crooned praise. But he is a diligent boy and follows, though she lets him determine their pace because he is curious as all children are. “Home,” she tells him, certain that is not enough for the boy’s brain given his sudden barrage of questions that make her breathless with laughter.

    Polite and curious! He has a good head on his shoulders and a foundation that Femur can further shape. “To Tephra. She is a land lush and beautiful but also unforgiving at times.” It is all that she offers him; he must discover the pitfalls and passions of Tephra for himself as the rest of her small brood have and as she had (though she had help from her beloved mate). There is not enough words to describe the sea, the islands, the peninsula, the volcano and best of all - the tiny island that is her mate’s heart-home, that she takes all her children to. Sometimes, the best is saved for last…

    She never turns him from her side or calls to him to keep close - he is a boy and a curious one at that! So she gives his head and lets him have room to explore on their trek home. Femur cannot contain her gentle laugh as he gets his first gasp of Tephran air - sulphuric and strange until it settles in the lungs like it had always been there. She got used to it, and so will he. “It does, doesn’t it?” she adds with another chuckle from her fanged lips before bending to plant a kiss on his forehead. “It comes from the big volcano in the heart of Tephra. It smokes and gurgles, sometimes spews ash and lava.” Femur is educating him, not attempting to frighten but to make light of the dangers that are present.

    Neither of them will have much to fear from the overzealous population of wild pigs, her mate sees to that especially around their little island tucked in the crook of the sea’s arms. She’ll take him there soon enough, to meet his brother and sister and her mate. Unless Claw has once again spotted her on the shore with another foal in tow… Once more, her head bends to his level and she looks him square in the eye - “What would you like to see first?"

    @[Gansey] @[Valensia] @[Longclaw] tagged some of femur's family so Gansey can meet them too! <3

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: My words are unerring tools of destruction; Femur/Any - by Femur - 12-15-2017, 12:28 PM

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