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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Let's go for a walk in your garden of Eden - Nyxa, Any

    Half of my heart knows just what it wants of me

    Still no sign of Bragi? She asked, and he knows it's because she cares. He still can't stop the twinge in his heart at the thought of hiss brother. Brag had been his companion and his guide and his best friend. Deep down he hoped that he was ok, that something had just... come up. Another, less kind, piece of his mind hoped that he had actually died, because the idea that his brother had actively decided to abandon him the first chance he got was more painful than anything else he could imagine. All of this he summarize aloud with a short "No, none." He didn't mean to be rude, he just had no idea what else to say. Nyxa would understand his feelings, likely better than anyone else on the island. And yet, he struggled to talk about these deep emotions. Anything else, he could discuss with her for hour upon hour, and frequently they did just that.

    Her next statement stopped him in his tracks. "You've been what?" He was astonished, and his expression showed that. "Nyx, why didn't you tell me? Have you found anything out?" Words suddenly poured from him, anxiety coloring his tone. What if she had heard he'd gone off on his own, had left without a word? The scene from the last night he'd seen the man played itself in his mind's eye as he started forward again. 

    By the feeling under his feet, he could tell they were getting closer to their destination. The sandbar that they were on was only accessible for a scant hour each day. Not wanting to be stranded, they had kept their last visit brief, but today they had planned ahead, to stay the night and go back tomorrow. A full day to explore. The grey man did his best to focus on this. This was meant to be a fun expedition, and so it would be. They are almost there when she speaks again, asking if he ever thought of going back to look for Bragi. A deep sigh is exhaled as he considers his answer. "No, I haven't. Not really. If Bragi wants to be gone, so be it. That's on him, and he's missing out. I have everything I need here, right?" He smiles in her direction, trying to sound carefree and failing miserably. It was true, that he missed his brother fiercely. But he knew where they had been going. If he was gone, it was because he wanted to be. Despite Bragi and his careful guidance, Hod had never been as happy as he was here. Maybe one day... He wanted an explanation. An answer, no matter what it was. For now though, he turned to the girl at his side. Circinae had gone missing, all he knew of her father was his absence. All they had was each other, but couldn't that be enough? 
    Soon, the sucking noises at their feet stopped, as the sand became dry again. They had made it to the little island. It had been a walk full of heavy thoughts, and he wanted to be done with those. It was a beautiful day, and they had come here to explore. Sorrow wasn't welcome anymore. Impulsively, he reached over to where he knew his friend stood. He was a year older, and already she was nearly as tall as him. One day soon, she'd surpass him. But for now... his neck looped over hers, and pulled her close to his deep chest in a fierce hug. The pain he wasn't saying, he poured into it. His earnest thankfulness that she was with him, he tacitly expressed as well. As quickly as it happened, he pulled away, nose blushing a darker pink than usual. Touch was so much a part of his life, and yet they rarely had such full contact. He had felt her form against him, how her girlish shape was beginning to evolve into something more. She was young, too young, for the thoughts he felt intruding on the edge of his mind. This was Nyxa, after all. She was his surrogate kid sister and best friend all rolled into one. So why did he feel anything but brotherly?

    OOC: Alllllllllll the feelings!!! Yay puberty XD @[Nyxa]

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    RE: Let's go for a walk in your garden of Eden - Nyxa, Any - by Hod - 12-07-2017, 04:47 PM

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