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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I want you to know... that I'm all yours [Offy]
    I want you to know that I'm all yours; you and me, we're the same force.

    It was then, for the first time, that Reagan found herself angry at Offspring. Salt air puffed away from her as she flared her nostrils and stepped even further away from him, trying to better look him in the eye. When that did not work, she used her magic to change herself. Make herself bigger, more imposing. She was old, but she still possessed the deep magic that made her a dangerous creature. She had never met her equal. Not really.  

    Not until she had met Offspring.  

    Offspring didn't give a fig about her powers. He knew she had them. Anyone who knew her—or knew of her—knew of the lady magician who once dwelled in the forests. Offspring looked at her as a woman, which she appreciated--it was one of the many reasons she had allowed herself to feel again after what had happened in Taiga. But it seemed to be, in that moment, that Offspring's distrust of himself, that he forgotten exactly WHAT Reagan was. Almost as if she was incomplete to him. A foolish child who did not know her own mind.  

    "How dare you..." her voice rumbled low, quavering with emotion as her eyes rolled like the waves that were thundering so close to where they were standing. "How dare you presume to tell me what you think I need, or what you think my emotions should be." She looks down, blinking. She sighs, and takes a step closer, slowly reverting back down to her natural form as she continues to speak. Her eyes soften, and once again, she is plain old Reagan. Rather unremarkable in her visage, but very much aware of her own being.

    "I am no child. I have had passions of the flesh. It has burned me in ways that you cannot even imagine. You are not the only one who has hurts. I have buried children, and lovers. I am not some little girl in search of a passionate fling. I am far too old for that. Two Hundred years I have walked this earth. And I have only ever been sure of one thing."

    You is the word she does not say.  

    "You can tell me what you think I need. And you can push me away. But nobody...." she stops here, stamping her hoof for emphasis of her next word, to make sure he is paying attention to her. "...nobody deserves to die alone. No matter what they've done in their lives."

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I want you to know... that I'm all yours [Offy] - by Offspring - 12-04-2017, 02:09 AM
    RE: I want you to know... that I'm all yours [Offy] - by Offspring - 12-07-2017, 01:46 AM
    RE: I want you to know... that I'm all yours [Offy] - by Offspring - 12-07-2017, 02:26 AM
    RE: I want you to know... that I'm all yours [Offy] - by Reagan - 12-07-2017, 02:22 PM
    RE: I want you to know... that I'm all yours [Offy] - by Offspring - 12-10-2017, 01:30 AM

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