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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In the Darkness brings a butterfly

    Mystic stood up after a short rest. This mare with her has asked her story, she was afraid to tell her side of the story. She didnt want anyone to judge her for a mistake that she once did. She stepped closer to the golden mare, she closed her eyes and sighed trying to find the words to tell her.

    A few weeks ago before she arrived here at beqanna she was once a domesticated pet of a human. She was raised by this person and cared dearly for her.She had a great life there with a loving mother, she never meet her father. She was broke by this human of hers and had a wonderful life. She started training her, she worked hard and trained hard for her human trying her best. Many times she was taken to these big buildings with others just like me were lined up and watching. These buildings were loud and had alot of humans in it. It was loud with music and human cheering. The next thing she knows is her human is calling naming her the barrel racing champion or her champion. Mystic never understood what she meant by that. She just was running like her human asked and she always had her picture taken and people always wanted to come up and meet Mystic. After a few years of this, her human stopped running her and Mystic would spend her days in the field all day enjoying the life she had. She was ridden every once in a while but not as often as before.

    One day strange people would show up to her home and stop at the fence line starring and pointing at her, talking to my human she didnt know what at the time, she quickly found out what it was. The next thing she knew she was being lead into a trailer and off to a strange place. Strange smells and noise, she was taken into a small barn that smelled the worst she didnt know what the smell was. She was tied down and her legs were tied down so she couldnt move. It scared her she didnt know what was happening, then in comes a rouring stallion huffing and puffing making all kinds of noise. She tried to get away, but since she was tied down she couldnt go anywhere. She was forced to breed with this strange stallion. She was a mother after that which she loved but they kept taking her babies from her. One day the same routine she was loaded into the trailer to a different spot same smells. She knew whatwas going to happen, so the day that changed her life. She reared and faught with her human for the first time. And while doing so she broke her humans hand, she had never hurt anyone before and she was scared so she took off running. She was ashamed of herself. And she ended up here at Beqanna.

    She looked at the golden mare. I want to be loved by someone not forced and i want to have children that i can see grow up and see. I dont want to be forced to have kids anymore, i just want to enjoy life and see my little ones grow up. She sighed she was thinking she may never see that happen. So she ran away from the humans and kept running until she couldnt. She had been running for weeks trying to put alot of space between her life before and her new life. She nickered softly

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: In the Darkness brings a butterfly - by Mystic Pleasure - 07-02-2015, 05:05 PM

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