12-02-2017, 09:06 PM
if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
His gilded shoulders are lighter now without the whole weight of Hyaline bearing down on them. No longer is his head heavy with crown, either ─ instead, that gold adorns Solace's head. He has been there to guide her when she needs him, but the daughter of Tangerine and Warrick is a swift learner and the residents of Hyaline have already taken to the kindness in her heart. Amet is proud of her and her progress, and though he knows that his sanctuary home is in good and capable hands, he still cannot bring himself to leave.
He lingers beneath his wisteria tree, amber eyes roving the glassy surface of the lake. He is an ever-present sentinel, a fixture of Hyaline itself. He has brightened over the last few months, no longer fatigued or weak, and the gleam has returned to his golden scales. His time spent with Jah-Lilah had been more eye-opening than Amet had realized at first, reminding him of the beauty in life that exists even when Ciri is not around.
He thinks on the panther cub frequently that had been born during his drug-induced trip, curious if the young feline had anything to do with his unborn (perhaps born now, though, he's unsure whether Ciri remains in Ischia or if she even plans on telling him) child. Still, though, he remains lake side. He is a former king, one who has sworn himself to Hyaline's protection even after passing the throne to Solace, and it will not do him well to dwell on a broken heart.
The gilded stallion wonders if he should visit Jah-Lilah soon to see how the soothsayer fares. He had not heard word of her in some time. Amet hmmms in consideration as he pivots away from the trunk of his purple-boughed tree, only to settle his gold-flecked eyes on the horse that has been the topic of his musings. "Jah-Lilah!" he calls to the red wytch happily, eyes falling to notice the blatant swell of her barrel before returning to her kind face.
"I was just thinking of you," he admits with a warm grin as he steps from the shade of the wisteria and into the bright sunshine.