11-28-2017, 12:48 PM
Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos; your reality.
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge.
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge.
She is so relieved to see him, it swathes her body and her mind in a tranquility she had only found with one other. His laughter is charming, and stirs nostalgia in the hearth of her chest – thinking again of all the time spent along the starlit shoreline, with the salty brine of the sea lapping hungrily at the stillness of their legs. Sunset to sunrise, she would stand beside him, each lamenting silently over their own heartache (different, and yet so very much the same). Confiding in one another. He had been her first and truest companion. Dahmer has taken her heart, since then – he has taken it and filled it to the brim with a joy she never thought herself capable of having, but her longing for Warrick and his companionship had never waned. She knew he would return to her, and he would return to Tephra in time.
His muzzle caresses her own and she cannot help but to smile. I’ll always come home, he says to her quietly, and her heart does believe it. The volcanic island was as much a part of him as it had been a part of Offspring – it had thrived with his tender care, with his kindness and presence. Tephra had remained safe under her watch, and she had guarded it fiercely (and would continue to do so, for as long as time would allow) – but she would go, she could go wherever the wind might take her – wherever the whim of her heart might desire to wander.
But Warrick?
Warrick is Tephra; he always had been.
She can see the shift of emotion in his gaze as he traces the empty, sunken socket of her eye, but she cannot bear the burden of pity, nor would she spare it for herself. Half of her vision had been stolen away from her, leaving a once seeping, now mended cavity where an eye had once been. A reminder of the love that had slipped away from her; a reminder of the love that had been broken and splintered and feeble from the start. Her heart had begun to mend too, but as with all things, it would take time. The wound of Ledger and his betrayal had caused a catastrophic wound of uncertainty to fester in her chest. It would not go away so easily.
(she always loved, foolish girl – for one so headstrong and biting, she is a fickle thing)
A low chuckle rises in her throat at the mention of all he has missed. If only he knew the half of it.
”Much has changed,” she murmurs again, drawing strength from the sound of the crashing tide against the jagged egde of the island shoreline. Her single eye traces the terse muscle of his cheek, and then observing the glimmer of concern in his eye. ”Hyaline is an ally of ours now,” she muses, ”and Sylva, an enemy. Taiga has fallen, and Loess and Nerine have been much the same as they always have been. Ischia is .. questionable.” Her gaze is cast out to the wide and open sea, then, contemplating her wording with each pause for breath. She had heard rumor that her son, Canaan, and his beloved wolf had taken presence on the island, but it was only a rumor.
”I have taken a Sylvan named Karaugh captive; Levi is keeping watch over her. Offspring set half of their forest on fire, when he found Gryffen – the King of Sylva – holding his partner, Tantalize, hostage.” She pauses, finally searching the lines settled beneath his eyes and across his forehead, where a tangled lock lay draped over his eye. Quietly, softly, ”Offspring stepped down – and I have been made Overseer in your absence,” she says solemnly. She is tired, and weary – she is the Head of War; an advisor at best – as the brawn behind the beauty; she longed for the simplicity of her battalion again. Power no longer held any allure – not when she had so much more fulfillment than that (Dahmer is never far from her mind). ”but you have always held Tephra in your heart, Warrick. I know that Offspring wanted it to be you. Tell me you would consider being the Overseer that Tephra deserves.”
His muzzle caresses her own and she cannot help but to smile. I’ll always come home, he says to her quietly, and her heart does believe it. The volcanic island was as much a part of him as it had been a part of Offspring – it had thrived with his tender care, with his kindness and presence. Tephra had remained safe under her watch, and she had guarded it fiercely (and would continue to do so, for as long as time would allow) – but she would go, she could go wherever the wind might take her – wherever the whim of her heart might desire to wander.
But Warrick?
Warrick is Tephra; he always had been.
She can see the shift of emotion in his gaze as he traces the empty, sunken socket of her eye, but she cannot bear the burden of pity, nor would she spare it for herself. Half of her vision had been stolen away from her, leaving a once seeping, now mended cavity where an eye had once been. A reminder of the love that had slipped away from her; a reminder of the love that had been broken and splintered and feeble from the start. Her heart had begun to mend too, but as with all things, it would take time. The wound of Ledger and his betrayal had caused a catastrophic wound of uncertainty to fester in her chest. It would not go away so easily.
(she always loved, foolish girl – for one so headstrong and biting, she is a fickle thing)
A low chuckle rises in her throat at the mention of all he has missed. If only he knew the half of it.
”Much has changed,” she murmurs again, drawing strength from the sound of the crashing tide against the jagged egde of the island shoreline. Her single eye traces the terse muscle of his cheek, and then observing the glimmer of concern in his eye. ”Hyaline is an ally of ours now,” she muses, ”and Sylva, an enemy. Taiga has fallen, and Loess and Nerine have been much the same as they always have been. Ischia is .. questionable.” Her gaze is cast out to the wide and open sea, then, contemplating her wording with each pause for breath. She had heard rumor that her son, Canaan, and his beloved wolf had taken presence on the island, but it was only a rumor.
”I have taken a Sylvan named Karaugh captive; Levi is keeping watch over her. Offspring set half of their forest on fire, when he found Gryffen – the King of Sylva – holding his partner, Tantalize, hostage.” She pauses, finally searching the lines settled beneath his eyes and across his forehead, where a tangled lock lay draped over his eye. Quietly, softly, ”Offspring stepped down – and I have been made Overseer in your absence,” she says solemnly. She is tired, and weary – she is the Head of War; an advisor at best – as the brawn behind the beauty; she longed for the simplicity of her battalion again. Power no longer held any allure – not when she had so much more fulfillment than that (Dahmer is never far from her mind). ”but you have always held Tephra in your heart, Warrick. I know that Offspring wanted it to be you. Tell me you would consider being the Overseer that Tephra deserves.”
(The nightmare) I built my own world to escape