11-25-2017, 06:22 PM
if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
He gathers them near the lake, the lucid heart of their sanctuary home.
Amet has lived here since its birth, has called it his home and resting place for the four years that it has been in existence. He loves every part of it ─ from the crystalline water basin to the craggy peaks, the red maples and his own wisteria tree. It has grown and flourished just as he has. Gone is the frightened boy who'd abandoned his siblings. Gone are the nightmares of Him. The Dunes of the dragon king's youth have been long forgotten.
He is Hyaline through and through.
Their numbers have varied over the years, but never has Amet been on his own. He has fallen in love here. He has been terrified here. He has learned happiness here. Not only because of the land, but because of those who have walked across its borders. He watches with warm golden eyes as those who still remain within its boundaries come before him, heeding his call. They've all proven their kinds heart to him in some way or another ─ he had searched for the goodness in them when offering them sanctuary in Hyaline, not for what they could do for him. But in their own ways, they had done things for him anyway.
"I am so grateful for the trust that you have all placed in me for the last four years," he says to them strongly, amber eyes roving their faces with care and affection. There are some, like Molotov, who have been here since before the attack, and who had continued to place their trust in him after it. And there are newer faces, like Keeper's, who have already made an impression with their compassion and drive.
"Hyaline needs a young mind, a mind that dreams. I am proud of the time that I have spent at the helm of this great territory. And I am proud of each and every choice, mistake or not, that I have made in that time. I have two more choices that I would like to share with you now: first, please congratulate Keeper as your new Educator of Diplomacy. And secondly...
Today, my friends, I ask that you trust me for just a little bit longer as I name Solace the new Caretaker of Hyaline."
@[Solace] @[keeper]