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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this is the light that shines; Wrynn/any
    Oh look, oh my star is fading
    For all that Wrynn may be gentle, and delicate, and small, and overly optimistic, she is almost impossible to frighten.

    She has a child's incredible resilience, that little core of iron covered in sugary sweetness. He could be a thousand times more horrible, be a monster (quite literally) and she'd approach him with the same open-mindedness and ready goodwill that she'd brought to bear on the first monster she'd faced in the quest, the one that had floated in space and sucked her in and spat her back out again, right where she'd needed to be.

    It is that optimism that has allowed her to weather the fact that her mind is no longer her own, that she's got a connection to the dead, that she failed to bring back the dead but can share with them a tiny fraction of her own existence. It's her iron-willed optimism that allows her to function. And it's that same optimism that makes her accept the rules that Ramiel seems to scorn. It is bitter to him, but to her, it is simply as it is. Gail could not come back, but Wrynn would do whatever she could to make that state of things pleasant.

    She listens intently when he mentions going back. She doesn't doubt it; she might not have doubted it even before she became what she is now. She might not have doubted it even before she could hear the thoughts of the dead. He seems to be something close to dead sometimes anyway; why couldn't he go back and visit them. She nods, pensive.

    She watches intently as he transforms. It does not shock her; she watches him with the steady gaze of one who has already seen too much, of another youngster who has seen worlds ripped apart and devoured right before her very eyes. What's a ghost when you've seen and heard and smelled the world ending? She follows him even after he turns invisible, and she does not shiver when he passes through her.

    She is comfortable with their closeness, and does not seek to move away. She feels a kinship with this boy. Perhaps it is only natural that she is closer to one who is closer to dead; she's most at her ease with the voices in her head, the ones that are currently silent, letting her put her focus on Ramiel (and perhaps, quite a bit interested themselves).

    "Yes, I can hear them." her voice is still quiet, but she doesn’t hesitate to meet his eyes. "They talk freely most of the time. It's mostly the ones our age though. They…" she pauses then, trying to think of how to describe it. "They sent me back somehow. I owe them a great debt. I wish…I really wish I could've brought them back with me. They deserve to know what it feels like, what all of this feels like." she nods her head toward the meadow, alive and vibrant around them. "I couldn't though. Not with them, not with Gail. This isn't there place, anymore. For a lot of them, it never was." She pauses for a moment, and then remembers that she hadn't finished answering his question. She looks at him. "If I want to talk to someone in particular, I have to ask. And I can usually get anybody. My sister Rain is usually around and talks to me. Sometimes her friend Kora too. And sometimes lots of others."

    He smiles at her, and she returns it. She likes him, she's decided. Something about him feels endless, as though they could talk here all day and never run out of things to talk about. As though they're meant to click, to stay the course, to bump along the road of life in each others' orbit.

    "I'm glad too." a quick pause, and the smile fades a little bit. "Have you talked to any of the others?"

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: this is the light that shines; Wrynn/any - by Wrynn - 07-01-2015, 09:07 PM

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