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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    New Season brings a new adventure

    It was early in the morning, the sun was just poking through the early morning fog coming off the river. The birds were beginning to chirp and the weather wasnt as cold. Feeling the sun on her pelt it felt almost warm which meant one thing. That spring had come she stepped out of her cave that was her shelter from the elements and when she wanted to stay out safe at night. She stepped out and stretched this load of a unborn foal was takings its toll on her body. It was getting harder to move around, it was more like she swagged as she did anything. She slowly made her way down to get a good morning drink from the stream. Watching a doe and a baby fawn just across the river. The fawn looked like it was just born it was still wobbly on its long legs. After her nice drink of cool morning water, she stepped just off the river and decided she might as well get a quick bite to eat to feed her growing foal within her. She wanted to make sure they were both healthy.

    After her morning breakfast, she went looking for BrokenStar to make sure she had a good night with no troubles. She managed to find her and she was still resting, Star was usually up early she always enjoyed this time of the day. It was cool and the world smelled so fresh from a good night sleep. She was making her way up to her cave where it looked over the Ridge, It was just below were Nier had his cave. She's called this cave home since she arrived at Gemstone Ridge. As she started making her way up the steep hill, she got a very sharp pain in her stomach, but this was a out of the ordinary pain. She stopped and placed her muzzle on her stomach to quiet her foal down. But this time it didnt help, so she ignored it so she continued up to her cave. She makes it to the mouth of her cave where she was breathing heavy from carrying herself and her foal up this hill.

    Once she got her breathe the pain in her stomach got worse. It was almost impossible for her to keep standing. She didnt know what it was, or what was happening. She walked into the cave maybe if she laid down it would go away. As soon as she was inside her cave. She felt a gush of water from her back side. She had already done her morning business so she didnt have to go. After she felt a gushing from her backside the pain got even worse. Was this it? Was her foal on its way? She was scared this was the first time she had given birth and she was alone. No mother for support and BrokenStar was still sleeping comfortably and Nier was no where to be seen. So she just let instinct take over and she laid down. Breathing heavy she started to sweat her neck was hot with sweat. Everytime she would have a contraction she would push down helping her baby to come out.

    She laid her head down and rested breathing heavy this was the worst pain she had ever experianced. It was like her insides were coming out, but she didnt give up. Everytime she would have a contraction she would push the contraction away. Which she thought she should do cause it would help take the pain away. After about 20 or so pushes it seemed she could feel the feet finally popping out. She looked at her backside wondering what was happening to her. When another contraction came she pushed harder a bit harder then the last contractions. About 10 more contractions she could feel the legs come out up to its shoulders. She was worn out and laid down to rest a few minutes. Giving birth was alot of work, she never had a mother around to tell her about childbirth so she was doing this all on her own for the first time.

    After she was rested she knew this round of contractions will let her meet her baby and see if she had boy or girl. Another contraction came on and she started to push away the contraction. She pushed harder and longer then the last set. She pushed about 10 more times when she finally felt the release of her foal. There was no more pain she laid panting hard relieved it was over. After a brief rest she looked back and took a peak at her new foal. She stood as soon as she saw her new baby. She wanted to be nearer to it, she started to lick the foal clean. She discovered that her baby was a colt. A bay little colt that looked like he will grey out, with a tiny little star and a couple white feet. She cleaned off her foal and stood guard as he was trying to figure out his legs.

    He was a wobbly fellow he had to get used to his long legs. She stood between the opening and her son to give him protection from the outdoors and give him time to get used to his legs. She didnt want to rush him. Come on Henry you can do it my love. She nickered at him, she was instantly in love with her son. She couldnt believe she was a mother, it was the best feeling in the world but she wished his father would be here to see him. It took a good 10 minutes before Henry was finally up on his feet. He was really wobbly and she assisted and came over to him to help him to nurse. He drank his first mouthful of milk. He looked around his home and at his mother. He nickered at her, placing his nose on her pelt getting her smell.

    She moved her mouth over his back and started to groom him to get him completely dry. It was just turning spring and it was still alittle chilled out. My Henry she whispered softly to him mommy loves you my son.  

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    New Season brings a new adventure - by LightningBlueStar - 07-01-2015, 07:06 PM

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