Their embrace lingers for quite sometime. She is satisfied to stay this way for eternity, but someone has other plans...
It's starts as a gut twisting sensation that causes her to withdraw her muzzle to her breast. A winced expression on her features makes known her pain. Followed by a low gasp of breath. It last only a short time and when it passes she looks into his worried eyes. "I'm ok. I'll be ok, Rou," she says reassuringly before continuing, "We should go home." Her tone a bit concerned...
Along the distance to the thicket they shared, she stopped occasionally to catch her breath. The pains came and went but progressively they increased in intensity and frequency. He never strayed from her side and she was appreciative for his continuing support. Giving him a smile each time the pain subsided...
Reaching the edge of their nook in the kingdom, she was glad to pass into the small clearing sheltered from the rest of the world. A sigh of relief came over her. It was short lived though as a stronger wave of agony came over her. This one sent her to her knees. Desperate to compose herself she forced herself to stand again. Pacing nervously in a circle around the red stallion. Her navy eyes focused on the ground of which she walked. A beaten path soon forming.
All is quiet so she stops and looks to him in confusion. Pulling herself to him and reaching out to touch his shoulder. As her cream-laced lips reach his flesh a powerful surge of pain sends her to her knees again. This time she doesn't force herself to stand but gives in. Folding her limbs under her she slowly lowers herself to the turf below. With a much heavier landing than anticipated she exhales heavily. Soon to draw in a deeper breath. Finding this curled up position uncomfortable she opts to extend her neck and limbs to lay flat. The rise and fall of her barrel quickens with labored bursts of air drawing in and out. The pain a constant now. Until she is pushing...
The whole process may have taken hours but it is soon over. The pressure inside her abdomen relieved and nearly instantly the pain a distant memory. Curling her cream limbs under her, she finds the will to stand again. Twisting around to find a small life laid sprawled out onto the grass. Instinctively she whicker's to it, welcoming it into this world. Running along is red speckled coat her rough tongue. Clearing away any mess that happened to cling onto it. Shaking it's tiny head every time she licks across it's face. She starts there and moves down it's spine. Noting to herself how much it looks like it's father.
When she is satisfied with her cleaning of the child she turns to Rou. A soft nicker calling him over to see his son, "It's a boy Rou! What should we name him?" Her golden flecked eyes look to her partners red profile awaiting his answer eagerly...
Not all that Glitters is Gold
@[Diable Rouge] continued of last thread. Figured I'd start an updated timeline <3