04-05-2015, 11:19 PM
Because we can. Everything about Camrynn is sure. Well, at least that's true until you pull her in front of a goddess. Set her up with Isis, and she strips herself bare, even her eyes releasing their ability to become and surrendering to normalcy. But out here in this world, here with you, she is the image of certainty. She is happy to be the tether, the one who keeps things tied to the ground. Because someone has to be – with no point of reference, with no certainty, everything is guaranteed to fall apart. Oh no, there are no two like them. The glorious magicians, the glorious counterparts, the yin and the yang, the wanderer and the grounded. They must be attracted like magnets, to come apart but be inevitably drawn back together. And she understands how that can be scary, she understands how it can be difficult. She understands why he must flee, and that makes her all the more understanding of his absence. If there is something to be said for Camrynn, when she truly feels something, she feels it with her whole being. She is a unified object, moving inexorably, and once decided she moves entirely without doubt. It is rare to see this kind of unity. Even in her, it is not constant. When she takes on roles, when she is playing, when she is lying for her own benefit or for someone else or for fun, then she plays that certainty as a card, using it as a weapon to further her ends. But with Eight, in this cave, where both of them are so impossibly naked to each other and glorious in their magnetism, she is only purity. He seems pleased enough at her gift. She would have sent anyone there, her gift to him, but she believes too that it would be good for Kindling. The poor girl had been listless, lonely. She did need more friends. And if she were going to find them, well why not in the Valley? Camrynn may be a master manipulator, a genius at pulling all the strings to tilt her various marionettes in exactly the way she desires, but she's not cruel. Well, usually. "You're welcome." she tells him, a slight chuckle in her voice. She has nothing but good intentions for this gift, but the thought of it amuses her. The thought of her giving gifts to another, of him receiving them, of the two of them watching the mare's travels – it is gently amusing. And the press of his nose into her neck is nice. When he turn back to face her, his eyes meeting hers, she isn't surprised by his next question. A lazy smile floats on her lips as she listens to him speak, his words dancing around her. When he finishes, regards him for a moment. "Why Eight, I have a place to live." she says, and her voice is gently teasing. "This place here, this is my home." she says, a smile playing with her lips. She bumps him with her nose on his shoulder, the equine equivalent of one human punching another's shoulder to make sure they're in on the joke. Because of course this isn't her forever home - it will always be their place, but it isn't a home, not in the sense that they're discussing. Her eyes turn gold and she chuckles again."I can't say I've ever pined for a throne." her chuckle is low and deep. "and if I were to start pining, I don't think it'd be for the Deserts." She pauses again, her smile growing slightly quieter as she grows more pensive. "There are things happening, Eight, you know that as well as I do." Her words are matter-of-fact, but a thin cord of excitement underlays them. She is not one to get herself all worked up over simple politics, but at the same time, this could be so much more. The recent happenings rise before their eyes: the meeting in the Valley, the conversation she had with Scorch, the dragon-mare's request of Cam. And the secrets, the things that only the magicians know, what's hidden from view of all the others. "If we're lucky, it'll turn out that I've been frolicking right where I need to be." she says it with teasing amusement and a gentle smile. There is no doubt that she has put herself right where she needs to be. It may look as though she is a pawn in someone else's game, but – as always – it is she who holds the cards, pulls the strings, and overlooks the board. Well, perhaps, it is she and Eight now, not just her. "I've not given any thought to where I might actually like to live." she says, her voice serious, pensive again. But it only lasts for a moment as she bumps him with her nose, and when she speaks again her voice is teasing, and her eyes turn a gentle ash grey as she turns to look at him. "Any suggestions?" C A M R Y N N Why? Because I can Image copyright MariannaInsomnia |
Just in case
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Original continued: http://www.boards2go.com/boards/board.cgi?action=read&id=1426832486.11382&user=beqannaneutral