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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In the Darkness brings a butterfly
    OOC: I had a post all set for you, but it had gotten pushed down the board. No worries though, I'll just post it here xD


    The ice in the wind meets my bones, knits unpleasant knots into my muscles and runs frostbitten kisses down my spine, to the very tip of my tail. I am getting used to the cold spell, the icy winds, the snow capped ground. My willowy limbs push through the snow drifts easily, but strangely burgundy coat peppered with snowflakes, like a black night sky with shining white astrals. I step along the track, head swinging to look behind me, seeing if the blue roan was following. I kept my eye on her, her weakened frame. eyes narrowing, inspecting. I did not let the debonair grin falter, even though the ice bit bone deep. I let the track finally broaden out towards the sentinel pointers, and the homely scent of pine and ash greets me. My nostrils flutter and I inhale deeply. 'This is The Chamber, Mystic.' I offer a low soprano, turning my forehand to angle and allow the blue roan mare to tread through, breaking the pine path until the clearing. the snow has frozen the ground, made it slippery in places, but my solid hoof broke the concrete like earth as I strode through, casting my gaze to the closeted pine trees, like nests to birds. My own sleeping arrangement was not far, flattened by nightmares and rocked by dreamless slumber, the pinecones made nice indentations in my skin. 'If you do choose to stay, be as a simple resident or something more, I am sure the other members will welcome you.' I offer another low tone, softer, more elegant. My lofty head twists and turns, eyes casting glances, trying to see if Erebor, or Killdare or even the painted Queen were about. I turned back towards Mystic. 'Have you travelled far? You do seem rather weary. There are some softer spots just in the copse here. Rest if you will.' I could be a great people person, but inside, the knots in my heart, they spring and coil and tighten rigidly. A coldness numbing me from inside out.

    Drink the poison lightly, there are

     deeper and darker things than you;

    professor of the chamber
    html by magpie77 - photo manip by beequeen - character by magpie77

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    RE: In the Darkness brings a butterfly - by Engelsfors - 07-01-2015, 06:48 AM

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