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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Lost my heart under the bridge; Jah-Lilah, Any


    Oh, speaking to other animals is not her specialty - Jah knows this but all the same Nyxa laughs robustly in reply to the question. “Can’t speak to the hare before I kill him dead, can I? Same for the sharks, I s’pose.” She drawls; even her tongue feels lax around her fiery step-mother. The red wytch is drawing to a halt though and Nyxa focuses intently on where they are. Her eyes rove quickly around the dense tangle of glossy leaves, most illuminated now by the quick sparks of light Jah-Lilah creates. “I have news for all of you.” The dappled flame tells her, drawing the curious girl’s attention down to earth once more, “You’ll be the first to truly know of it, come to think of it.” Jah contemplates aloud.

    Nyxa’s shock is immediate and clear as it overtakes her features. First to know? She’d never been first at anything her entire life, not even being born for god’s sake. But now here they are: odd mother and daughter exchanging secrets in the dim light of a hazy island jungle, pushing aside wide palm fronds to take a glimpse into something private.

    Nyxa cannot believe that her good-mother would share this with her, before sharing it with Circinae or Canaan.

    Jah-Lilah has created a sanctuary, right here in the heart of their home. Trinkets from the sea gild the outlying area, along with interrupting bursts of brightly-colored flora that draw not only Nyxa’s close inspection, but a soft gasp of admiration from the girl. How long had her den mother been working here? Her hand is masterful, artful in taste and whim alike with the smattering of leafy nests. With the quirk of a smile Nyxa can see how they vary in size and shape. “Expecting strange guests?” She chuckles, arching her gaze upwards in sudden awe of the glimmering lights.

    “Lovey what if I told you…” Jah begins, and Nyxa’s head rotates freely to listen with tight lips and a racing heart.

    Not expecting guests at all, it would seem … but only expecting a guest.

    No, not a guest. A sibling. Not just that - a sister. “Or a brother, or a brother…” She thinks suddenly, trying hard to calm her building excitement. Too little, too late though - her thoughts and feelings have run away from her and without meaning to, Nyxa bursts into screams of unexpected joy.

    “A BABY!? A BABY?? A BABBBYYY!!!” She wails, lurching forward to fall into the warm embrace she knows will be waiting. “Jah, oh Jah you sneak! You sly sneak! When will mother know? And father? Oh …. God, silly me. I’m not a baby, of course he’ll know.” She breathes, hardly able to suppress her mounting energy. Another sibling in the mix!

    Winded from the display she gives into the pull of her other skin and shifts to wolf, flopping onto the plush, leaf-covered earth with a giddy squeal and thrash of her paws. “I’m not a baby! Ha, of course not anymore! Oh Jah -” She says, suddenly righting herself to glance at the lightning mare with perked ears and a wide grin, “- have you thought of a name yet? May I toss a few around?”

    Wayward daughter of Canaan and Circinae


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    RE: Lost my heart under the bridge; Jah-Lilah, Any - by Nyxa - 11-11-2017, 07:20 PM

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