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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Stand Back | Circinae


    Childhood living is easy to do, the things that you wanted, I got them for you.

    The red mare opens her eyes, looking around. She is shrouded in darkness, and the moon is still high in the sky. She still has hours before dawn. With a great sigh and a grunt she shifts from her side to her stomach, tucking her legs beneath her. For all the warmth and glory in the heart of the island, there is a chill in her bed again tonight. She is alone. It is a new, profound sense of loneliness that overcomes her nowadays, emotions certainly brought on by her ramped up hormones. The knowledge that she feels this way because of her pregnancy does nothing in the way of comforting the dull ache in her heart. She misses her family, she misses her lovers. It feels like ages since she's been wrapped in the warm embrace of her water goddess, and she can't remember the last time Circinae quelled the flames in her loins. The ache is becoming less and less easy to ignore.

    With a surge of power that resonates outward from her skin, she rises to her feet. Her belly seems to grow by the day as she nurtures the seed inside of her, and it's beginning to make her feel awkward and ungainly. She steadies herself, then snorts. Is she being silly? Is she being selfish? My firefly can't help but second guess herself. Her mate was off, coming into her own. @[Circinae] wore the keeper title so well, wore it so proudly, and the sea-foam mare was doing a smashing job at everything. Jah-Lilah had never doubted her, only longed for her. It was becoming harder and harder for her to keep her mind occupied, even with the plethora of visitors they had had since arriving in their new domicile. All part of the job, she supposed.

    Dark hooves take her out of her thicket, onto the beach she loves so much. The waves crash gently upon the shore, and she wanders close enough to allow water to lap at her feet. A part of her water traversing lover, she imagines. Her eyes wander out onto the shoreline, and for her a moment her breath catches in her throat, fooled by her own creative mind. She had thought she'd seen her busybody out there, parting the water, but alas, she was wrong. Disappointment again washes over her. Turning to her barrel, she coos and kisses, rubbing her nose on the babe inside, then carries on. When she finds an inlet that calls to her particularly loudly, she traipses out to the end of the sandbar. Her eyes are closed, her head is raised and she just feels. She draws a breath in and leans back on her haunches, sitting down the way a dog would. My flower-child is mimicking what she's seen, trying to create a connection where there is none, trying to be like the wolves. Her nose in the air, her face to the moon, she attempts her best howl that a horse can do, as awkward and ugly as can be. My girl is not self-conscious, not pressed about anything else, she pours all her sorrows into that noise, and cries deep into the night.

    Graceless lady, you know who I am, you know I can't let you slide through my hands.

    stronger than you know


    Messages In This Thread
    Stand Back | Circinae - by Jah-Lilah - 11-10-2017, 02:36 PM
    RE: Stand Back | Circinae - by Circinae - 11-14-2017, 05:08 PM
    RE: Stand Back | Circinae - by Jah-Lilah - 11-18-2017, 10:29 PM
    RE: Stand Back | Circinae - by Circinae - 11-21-2017, 05:44 PM

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