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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i’ve been both a saint & a viper; any
    His crystalline eyes open, so blue they are nearly white as their irises are revealed, but their brilliant color shines for only for a moment. Then his pupils adjust to the light (though to her it would be a lack of light) and grow large and round, nearly all encompassing his gaze, save for the tiny sliver of blue around the rim. Peculiar to gaze upon, most likely, but it is a gentle look, not at all foreboding or sinister despite it’s dark abyss. 

    Balto takes her in (or he tries too; his sight isn’t well) for a few seconds, blinking with a curious and inquisitive stare. 

    They are of few words, but the blue roan stallion is glad. It bewilders him that she can seem to understand him so well, even in the few dark hours they’ve spent together - and he’s only just learned her name. 

    “Keeper,” he repeats, just as she had, with a certain gusto that is unfamiliar to him, but tastes sweet on his tongue. He had laughed before, within the darkness, but it is different now, out in the open and with a woman - the warmth of her against him is exhilarating, in a way that a young colt first fancies a filly. But that’s not exactly how it feels because Balto is older, perhaps much older than the woman beside him - but he feels alive, for the first time in nearly a decade. Thanks to her, thanks to Keeper. “Anything could have been lurking in this cave,” he mentions breathlessly, tilting his head slightly to survey her a bit more carefully. So trusting, so willing to help, so curious. You’re brave, he doesn’t say, but instead brushes the charcoal of his lips against her mane to rustle the soft tendrils carefully, gently. “Far more brave than I.” He wouldn’t have even thought to breach the shelter of his cavern without her - he would still be lurking beneath the shadows in the darkness. 

    He wants to tell her he didn’t come from darkness, that he wasn’t born within the shadows but he had to grow accustomed to it, that it hadn’t been a choice but a need to survive, but again, he says nothing. Daybreak is soon - who is to say he would even see her again? Soon they will depart (he knows it - the sun’s rise will drive him back into his cave, without a doubt) and there is nothing he can offer to cause her return to this lonely cave, deep within the forest.

    once the king of beasts but now they feast
    on thoughts beneath his vacant crown.

    @[keeper] omg why is she so sweet ;_;

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    RE: i’ve been both a saint & a viper; any - by Balto - 11-09-2017, 07:38 PM

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