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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Lost my heart under the bridge; Jah-Lilah, Any
    someday, we will foresee obstacles
    As I lay me down to sleep, I hear her speak to me. She says "Hello Mommy, how you doing?"

    On this day, Jah-Lilah has found a particularly lovely parcel of land that she believes will be perfect to make her special delivery. She has brought wide palm leaves and trampled them down to make a nest. Stray branches and stones were moved to make the jungle floor soft and comforting, and she has made peace with the rainbow colored macaws who inhabit the trees above. There is one who is  especially bold, a youngling who ventures down to the lowest boughs of the trees to watch and keep her company. He is blue and gold, and my firefly has taken to calling him Indigo-Sky. He observes curiously, and just so long as Jah-Lilah doesn't allow her sparks to float to close to his feathers he does not stray too far. She brings some tropical flowers to make quite an endearing little bed, and exhales, admiring her work. She looks up at her parrot, smiling. "Well Indigo, it isn't much, but it should do for the baby." He squawks a response, then dances briefly in excitement. Suddenly he takes to the sky, surprised by something unseen to the red wytch.

    She cocks her head, turning an ear to the beach. A voice the mare hasn't heard since shortly before her move to the island reaches her, and she snortles excitedly. She half-rears and bounds off, heading for the shoreline. She bursts through the trees, whinnying loudly. She looks left and then right, until her gaze settles on the origin of the sounds. Delight is plastered on her face as she realizes that yes, in fact, it is her dear @[Nyxa] that has come calling today. Jah-Lilah has news for the girl. 

    "Hallo daughter! Good to see you!" She prances up, neck arched in anticipation of their greeting. She looks the soaked girl over, nosing and bumping at her wings. She is in awe, her appendenges aren't dried out and stuck to her body, they are damp, beautiful. They remind her of fins. The girl seems to have figured out her gift on her swim over. "Made-From-Love, what has happened to your wings? Are you no longer flightless, little bird?" Her eyes are wide, shining in wonder, she's never seen such things on a horse. She steps back to meet the girl's gaze, nuzzling her gently. "How are you? What brings you to the island? Come! There's so much to say!" With that my flower child begins to herd her adopted child away from the ocean and inland.

    I think the storm ran out of rain, these clouds are moving.

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    RE: Lost my heart under the bridge; Jah-Lilah, Any - by Jah-Lilah - 11-05-2017, 02:59 PM

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