As he speaks his accptance, her heart glows with a sense of purose. He nudges her shoulder and wholsome pride make her stand a little taller.
But it seems like this is not the end of their conversation. His gaze sweeps across Hyaline, but Solace no longer has eyes for the picturesque scene before them, it is nearly forgotten. Her full attention and electric blue eyes rest on him. She had always loved Amet's open, readable face. He does not lose any of the esteem he had gained with her over the last two years as he freely expresses his emotions to her.
His words seem to flow faster than she can absorb them. He speaks of his history, of his future, and of her future - and with every word her heart beats faster.
By the time her own words finally tumble out her feeling have been whipped into a high pitch, and her voice trembles mercilessly. "But, Amet! Me? How can you say that?" She thinks of Offspring, the picture of leadership - stoic, powerful, male. She was none of those things. "How do you know? I'm not brave like Svedka or wise like Father, I'm not a leader like you."
If she had of been prepared she would have faced the proposals with more composure, but as it was her thought flew from her mouth nearly as quick as she could think them. She was honored that he even wanted her in his ranks, the thought of him having hand-selected her to be groomed as a ruler was incomprehensible to her young mind.
you are my sunshine