The young one is forward, but welcomingly so.
Elindor didn't know if she could handle the flowery prose she'd heard stallions use in the past to coax mares into their herds. She preferred honesty and frankness, and she knew implicitly she could trust Starlin.
Nerine. She had heard of this place before, but never visited. She knew it to be almost as far away from the Field as one could get, and she was suddenly astounded at the bravery of this filly standing before her, when she herself had been nervous of short journeys and interactions with strangers. Here was a child half her age who had seemingly travelled further than Elindor had in her whole life. If this was the kind of personality that came from Nerine, she wanted to know more.
At the mention of a 'shadow', Elindor looks over Starlin's shoulder to see some movement in the brush further away. A small smile catches her lips as she remembers her own childhood, following the older colts and fillies.
"I-- Thank you, yes," she replies, "I have heard of your home, and I would be very interested in joining you on your journey home..."
She peers back at Starlin's companion. "Will your shadow be joining us?"
god knows, I am dissonance
waiting to be swiftly pulled into tune