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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  do you feel like a young god? solace


    Maybe her perception of him is changing as she is slowly blossoming into an adult, or maybe he had always been this way, but in her juvenile glee, she had never noticed before. Something does seem different.  

    Aemt seems more somber, almost brooding, reminding her more of her father today than her care-free brother and she settles her own bubbling emotions. She was not ruled by feelings and impulse like her mother.

    As they turn to walk along the beach she steps to walk along his shoulder which faces inland, so that he can appreciate the sea and the endless expanse of the sky over her water. "I didn't know that. I guess I assumed you had seen all of Tephra already." The sound of waves and ocean birds hover in the air around them and she pauses, waiting for the question which seems poised on his lips. When he speaks, she gives a little sigh and bumps his shoulder with her own. She had always felt comfortable with the scaled stallion, he was a better listener then her brother but he didn't give her the funny feeling that Smoak did which sometimes made it difficult to say the right thing - it was the perfect balance for a confidant. 
    She knows she can tell him anything. 

    "It's different. Probably not for anyone else, but it is for me... And I don't really like change." She laughs gently glancing down and tossing a seashell with her toe as they walk. Solace realizes that most fillies her age relished adventure and that she was different. "I always thought we would all be here together, forever. But I know that was a nieve thought now." She lifts her blue eyes back to his, having to look up a little, "But, still, Tephra isn't the same for me anymore without them."

    you are my sunshine


    Messages In This Thread
    do you feel like a young god? solace - by Amet - 10-28-2017, 01:28 PM
    RE: do you feel like a young god? solace - by Solace - 10-28-2017, 02:51 PM

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