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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    looking for heaven found the devil in me; straia & family
    Maybe she isn’t horrified simply because she has long since realized that she will never have parents or siblings. Not really, anyway. Her mother was murdered when she was a child, and the question of who has played in her mind over and over again all these years. She thinks she knows now, because there’s only one horse she’s aware of that would benefit from killing Frostweaver, but she can’t ask. Not know, not with Kavi and Erebor here. Perhaps not ever, because likely, he’d only lie anyway.

    Though maybe not. Maybe there was no reason for that particular secret anymore. She’s not sure, but in the end, does it matter? She already dethroned him, sold him to the Valley for a crown (for the betterment of the Chamber, which he let languish beneath him). Sending him away from the place he called home perhaps was punishment enough. Then again, if she hadn’t, he never would have been able to become the creature he truly is. No longer quite horse, just a creature.

    She’s never really had a father either. Rodrik kept her alive and safe, yes, but he never particularly loved her. Not that she sought hugs and kisses, but the same kind of love that she had for Erebor. She’d throw herself in the fires for her son, if it came to that, and he knows it. She doesn’t need to tell him this. But Rodrik? It’s clear in his eyes; he’d devour her whole if he could get away with it.

    She’d lost Lu along the way, because the Chamber demanding to be first. And Straia would always serve the Chamber above herself. And Lu, likely, would never forgive her. Oksana couldn’t stay, because of who she was and whom she loved. And so, in the end, it was only Straia. And Kavi. Thank God for Kavi.

    Erebor she knew was coming, but she’s not surprised that Kavi is here as well. After all, Rodrik is his brother, and they’ve always been close. But Kavi seems to react to Rodrik’s current appearance about the same way she did, with some mix of shock and acceptance. This is what Rodrik truly is, after all. “Erebor,” she says, ignoring the growl that might be a laugh, or might be Rodrik considering eating her son. She isn’t sure. “Every good monarch needs a better heir.” She adds, flicking her tail.

    After all, hadn’t she proven to be at least as good as her father, if not better? When the Chamber burned, he did nothing. She rebuilt it, she stayed. He slipped into the shadows. “What can we do for you, father?” Father holds the same level of venom it always has, the words clipped and polite but not particularly in the mood for his games either. Rodrik had always been lies and games, after all. He claimed for the Chamber. She still thought it had always been more for himself.


    queen of the chamber

    Use of mild power playing is allowed; no injuries without permission


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    RE: looking for heaven found the devil in me; straia & family - by Straia - 06-29-2015, 09:52 AM

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