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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I've got no roots; Terran/Any

    As she eats her first taste of Beqanna in years, Titanya’s thoughts inevitably lead her further home to the Dale.  She’d been so angry when she left her little family long behind her.  Angry at the way her mother loved Terran more, because he didn’t look exactly like father.  Angry because Talulah had told her as much one night when her twin still slept, curled underneath the hollow winter sky.  She had told her, weeping, who their real father was.  How dead their real father was (a different angelic presence in the sky, one who would never return to earth like they’d been promised).  How much she looked like him.  How sorry she was for lying, for failing, for everything.  And instead of comforting her, Titanya had simmered and hardened her heart against her mother.  Let her take the blame, fall on her own failures.  By the time the bells tolled, she’d not spoken to the mare in months.

    For the longest time, her only regret had been leaving Terran alone.  She could never fault him for any part of her childhood.  But distance equaled safety.  And staying away meant keeping him safe, even if it tore at her to steady her feet.  As time went on, however, the dark mare realized her own failings.  Despite the seal that feels like a lead weight pressing between her lungs, she comes home in peace and to make peace.  She’s wasted so many years already.

    Her amber eyes rake across the horizon when she’s not focused on the grass in front of her mouth.  So far, none have come anywhere near her hide-out.  No one has set off her alarms or wandered too close to her smorgasbord.  Pity.  She’ll have to sort out her own amusement…once she’s had her fill, that is.  But just as her black and white face dips down into the sweet greens, she hears something.  A scratching sound starts on the opposite side of the boulder she’s currently tucked against.  The mare closes her mouth on air with a loud crack of her teeth.  It sort of hurts, the way it rattles through her jaw, but it also punctuates the fact that it hadn’t been softened by grass.  Titanya focuses and steps into the boulder that has become as dense as air. 
    “Excuse you.”  Only her head and neck jut out right next to the culprit, hopefully scaring the shit out of him in the process.  

    Her amber eyes spark with almost-faux indignation as she looks over the red eyed beast.  She’s about to launch into a long-winded tirade when she hears her own name carried sluggishly over the dead air.  The sabino doesn’t appreciate slow things, knows only decisive abandon in her own life.  But the way it’s said (with uncertain hope) makes her turn her head immediately in happy recognition.  And even as he approaches her with a feathered mass of gold on his back that hadn’t been there before, she knows it is him.  Her Terran (her softness, her twin).  

    Titanya tries to run forward but is stuck like molasses within the boulder.  Her thoughts are in knots too thick and tight to concentrate right now.  Rock-side discussion will have to do until she can stem the flood of emotions swelling within her.  Of course, there is the bay criminal to contend with as well.  To him, she nods in Terran’s direction when he says her name.  “Yep, that’s me.  Now who the hell are you?”  Her grin is as quick as her temper, and it doesn’t fade when she turns back to her brother.  “Of course it’s you, the better of us.  And prettier, too.”  She reaches forward to brush the forelock out of his eyes, to see the same amber of her own, but she is stopped short.  “I’ve missed you most of all.” 


    I've got no roots,
    but my home was never on the ground


    Messages In This Thread
    I've got no roots; Terran/Any - by Titanya - 10-17-2017, 01:19 PM
    RE: I've got no roots; Terran/Any - by Terran - 10-19-2017, 10:44 AM
    RE: I've got no roots; Terran/Any - by Titanya - 10-22-2017, 06:21 PM
    RE: I've got no roots; Terran/Any - by Ander - 11-05-2017, 05:08 PM
    RE: I've got no roots; Terran/Any - by Terran - 11-08-2017, 03:02 PM
    RE: I've got no roots; Terran/Any - by Titanya - 11-18-2017, 02:57 PM
    RE: I've got no roots; Terran/Any - by Ander - 12-04-2017, 02:08 PM

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