Ivar knows her better than she knows herself!
He knew she’d come to the lure of the river and subside beneath it to test her gills. It was a challenge that Ichor couldn’t refuse. Which also made her a bit more reckless in his company because she just plunged right in without regard to the depth of the river or the murkiness of it. She supposed none of those things mattered as long as she could breathe underwater and she seemed to be doing just fine at that now.
It isn’t long before he joins her, as she knew he would.
Ivar seemed to feel a stronger compulsion from the water than she did but she felt the way the water moved for him. No, that’s not quite right either. It embraced him and moved with him in a subtle dance that did not make Ichor the least bit envious of him but rather all the more appreciative. He seemed at home beneath the water as he smiles at her and she smiles back at him, not in the least bit worried about bubbles escaping between her teeth or sucking in a mouthful of water.
She is surprised to see him a bit better down here, as if the water amplifies her compound sight. Or she’s imagining that she’s seeing him better as he tilts his head in a question asking her opinion of it. Ichor’s smile broadens, a pale beaming smear beneath the haloed effect of her hair about her face as she bobs her head up and down in a concise assessment of her like for this underwater realm. This is only the river, she wonders if she can tolerate the saltier seawater. What must it be like under the sea?
For the longest time, he watches her and she watches him.
Her six legs move on occasion to keep her suspended at the proper depth, otherwise she figures she’d just float like a bloated whale on top of the river. She moves her head in an indication to him to show her more. This is a whole new world for her and one she wants to explore to the fullest!