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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Let the only sound; Tangerine

    -Oh my love, don't forsake me; Take what the water gave me-

    Her meeting with Amet concluded, Circinae now bends her attention to finding the absentee of their party - Tangerine. Where or why the known Adviser of Hyaline had slipped off to was still a mystery to the shifter, but she was determined to solve one or another of the riddles constantly plaguing her and so she chooses to, quite literally, hunt down the answers she seeks. Nose pressed to the dark earth, the little brown wolf disturbs stone and stick in search of any hint as to which direction the two-toned mare might have slipped off towards, beginning with the obvious entrance from the south of their homeland.

    It isn’t until she reaches the mouth of the great river that the last, lingering tales of Tangerine begin to surface. “Got her.” The coyote-like hunter thinks, driving her tender, wet pointer into the soft bank of the winding landmark. Tangerine had come this way and, with good intentions, seemed to be heading due east along the curving water-snake; straight to the heart of the Riverlands. “Hopefully she’s not in some sort of trouble.” Circy thinks, raising ears and head alike to peer downstream. “No time to waste, either way.”

    And so she journeys.

    Eventually, her steady tempo gets her to where she’s going and to her surprise, Tangerine’s scent grows stronger the further she ingresses towards the sea. So, the mare had come here but not decided to leave? Even with the quick turn of her path to send her winding about the sparse growth near the shore, she can still pick up fresh dung and the occasional fur leftover from a good trunk rub. It would seem that Tangerine has simply relocated … permanently. 

    Easing to a walk, Circy pads away from the end of her guiding line and begins to tread north once more, eager to cover herself in the protection of seasonally-grown grassland. It will be harder for Tangerine to see her, but she’s confident in her ability to find the mare first - and her intention is not be found before that time. Getting side-tracked was always a possibility in open land. Abruptly, she pauses in her walk - head rising just enough to allow for her bright blue gaze to peer out across the nearly void expanse of field. 

    There is only one very familiar shape looming nearby.

    “@[Tangerine]?” The brown wolf calls, hesitant but quite sure that this is her. “It’s me - Circinae.”



    Messages In This Thread
    Let the only sound; Tangerine - by Circinae - 10-19-2017, 01:29 PM
    RE: Let the only sound; Tangerine - by Tangerine - 10-28-2017, 09:11 AM

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