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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Wolf mother at the door- she don't smile anymore [Amet]


    In the middle of the night, I go walking in my sleep

    She feels the urg to reach out and touch him then, they they had danced together along the line of friends and something more for the entire existence of the relationship they had. 

    She is already thinking of him as someone she used to know, it's the only way she can find the strength to speak her next sentence. Tang draws a deep breath over all her broken pieces and she finally meets his gaze. She was trying to put space between them, not fall into the warm comfort of what they had always been. "I've come to say goodbye."

    The urge to bolt, to avoid the conflict as she had done before, burns fiercely in her breast. But she owes this to him, and more importantly to her future self - to let their goodbye have a beginning a middle and an end. 

    One, two, three.
    She counts her breath, trying to not focus on the words which have just left her. For all of her supernatural foresight, she had not seen this coming. She had dreamed they, together with his siblings, would build a sanctuary for the little souls of this world they shared. For the vagabonds (like she had been) and for those born of kings and queens (as he is).  

    But then her children had been born, and her role had changed. Their paths had been forever shifted by Solace and Svedka and Tang did not regret it, but even he had caught on that it did cause her unrest now and then. But that was how the story had been written, and there was no changing it now. She had left Hyaline to give birth in Tephra and she hadn't known it was one of the laft times.

    "I'm not an advisor, I'm not a diplomat," 
    It's easy to list the things she isn't when she has no idea what she is anymore. "And I'm not your only friend anymore." The painted mare tries to resurrect some of their former rapport, for his benefit, but her heart is not behind it. She had played her part, and now the first act was over. Hyaline and was moving onto its next chapter, and the world he was building was already a very different place from where they had spent their adolescence. Her time as Advisor and companion were over. She had never been truly comfortable with the formal title he had placed on her without asking, and it is almost a relief to set it down - the title of his friend, that was a much more difficult thing to leave behind. 

    "I'm thinking of going back, going home." And the way she says home, the word she has so rarely spoken, should let him know she doesn't mean Tephra.

    [Image: tzang]


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    RE: Wolf mother at the door- she don't smile anymore [Amet] - by Tangerine - 10-16-2017, 05:05 PM

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