10-12-2017, 10:20 AM
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Great+Vibes' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><style>.rebellayout {width:600px; border:1px solid #000;box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #000;background-color:#bf4f40;} .rebelgradient {width:600px; border:1px solid #000;padding:10px;background:#270905;background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#270905, #360c07, #270905);background: -o-linear-gradient(#270905, #360c07, #270905);background: -moz-linear-gradient(#270905, #360c07, #270905);background: linear-gradient(#270905, #360c07, #270905); box-shadow:0px 0px 25px #000;} .rebelpic {width:600px; height:437px; background-image:url('https://s17.postimg.org/jgzjn6wzz/insanerebelfairy.png');background-size:contain;margin-bottom:-50px;} .rebelquote {width:600px; font-size:24px;font-family: 'great vibes', cursive;color:#360c07;padding-bottom:10px;} .rebelpost {padding:30px;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:0px;text-align:justify;font:12px times;color:#360c07;}</style><center><div class=rebelgradient><div class=rebellayout><div class=rebelpic></div><div class=rebelpost><B>Q U E S T</b>
It is a rare autumn that passes that the Hero Rebel Fairy does not longingly listen to her ghostly podcasts, decorate her mantle for frights and prepare herself - spiritually and mentally - for the High Holy Season. She loves the season so, and many a Beqanna pony can find themselves drawn to her as she decorates for autumn with such flourish. She sings her haunting songs and whispers her enchantments and...
Oh, bother, she's done it again.
Through her mindless chatter she's gathered all the horses of Beqanna who listen to her side, peering at her with wide, waiting eyes. She watches them, mindless in the sway of her magic, and a smile slides over her face.
Goodbye, Hero.
Hello, Rebel.
The second shoulder of the famed fairy turns to the crowd and closes her eyes, ushering up the magic in her soul. With one quick flick of her wrist she'd turned each horse before her into a mutant strange cryptid creation. She delights in this - look what she's done! Oh what wonders!
<B>G O A L S</b>
To write from the perspective of your horse as a strange mutant cryptid. This can be a real cryptid (big foot, the moth man) a scary famous creature (drogon, frankenstein) or a new cryptid entirely of your own creation. Pick one, outline its traits - its strengths, weaknesses, what it does. Make sure you know it well.
<B>R U L E S</b>
-1 post per horse
-Unlimited entries per player
-400 words maximum
-October 30th is the deadline
<B>P R I Z E S</b>
-1st-3rd will get a prize related to their cryptid
-2 randomly selected ponies will get a temporary defect/weakness related to their cryptid (this will last for 2 RL months, or as long as you want)
-Those who don't follow the rules will have a permanent defect
</div><div class=rebelquote><center>With a rebel yell, she cried more, more, more.</center></div></div></div></center>
It is a rare autumn that passes that the Hero Rebel Fairy does not longingly listen to her ghostly podcasts, decorate her mantle for frights and prepare herself - spiritually and mentally - for the High Holy Season. She loves the season so, and many a Beqanna pony can find themselves drawn to her as she decorates for autumn with such flourish. She sings her haunting songs and whispers her enchantments and...
Oh, bother, she's done it again.
Through her mindless chatter she's gathered all the horses of Beqanna who listen to her side, peering at her with wide, waiting eyes. She watches them, mindless in the sway of her magic, and a smile slides over her face.
Goodbye, Hero.
Hello, Rebel.
The second shoulder of the famed fairy turns to the crowd and closes her eyes, ushering up the magic in her soul. With one quick flick of her wrist she'd turned each horse before her into a mutant strange cryptid creation. She delights in this - look what she's done! Oh what wonders!
<B>G O A L S</b>
To write from the perspective of your horse as a strange mutant cryptid. This can be a real cryptid (big foot, the moth man) a scary famous creature (drogon, frankenstein) or a new cryptid entirely of your own creation. Pick one, outline its traits - its strengths, weaknesses, what it does. Make sure you know it well.
<B>R U L E S</b>
-1 post per horse
-Unlimited entries per player
-400 words maximum
-October 30th is the deadline
<B>P R I Z E S</b>
-1st-3rd will get a prize related to their cryptid
-2 randomly selected ponies will get a temporary defect/weakness related to their cryptid (this will last for 2 RL months, or as long as you want)
-Those who don't follow the rules will have a permanent defect
</div><div class=rebelquote><center>With a rebel yell, she cried more, more, more.</center></div></div></div></center>