As she emerged from the Forest and traversed across Beqanna her thoughts couldn't help to travel as well. Back to the gathering of entities Levi collaberated on that night. A dark young mare, a forest green colt her age, a princess. She remembers joining them and watching the display of fire he created. Speaking of a plan he devised. To wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting kingdom. She had not known what would happen but he beckoned her to remain close. Crossing the borders of Hyaline together...
In deep thought she didn't notice how far she had really gone. That is until she reaches a land riddled with ridges. It's as if she had been in this very spot just yesterday. How time does get away from us. She halts. Ivory limbs square and unmoving. Bright sienna eyes cast out across the lands. She remained on the ridge as she called out to the stallion she had only seen in passing. A glitter of gold illuminated by the flames rising from the vegetation...
Would he remember her? She questions herself.
In deep thought she didn't notice how far she had really gone. That is until she reaches a land riddled with ridges. It's as if she had been in this very spot just yesterday. How time does get away from us. She halts. Ivory limbs square and unmoving. Bright sienna eyes cast out across the lands. She remained on the ridge as she called out to the stallion she had only seen in passing. A glitter of gold illuminated by the flames rising from the vegetation...
Would he remember her? She questions herself.
Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.