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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Let the only sound be the overflow [BIRTHING]; Family, Any


    Lovers forever, face to face.

    The red wytch hadn't been sleeping much lately, but she was used to the insomnia by now. However, this time was different. It wasn't nightmares that plagued her, but beautiful daydreams of her mates' new arrival. The mare could hardly wait for her to arrive. She had been returning from an outing, gathering herbs and just generally wandering when she felt it. The air was static all around, but it wasn't her doing. She smiled widely as she reached the thicket she had decided to bed down in this evening, patient as ever. The universe requires balance. Her little mousy wolf could hardly wait for the sun to rise and set each day, my firefly, however, had all the time in the world.

    It came to her, a whisper in the wind, a voice in her brain, (Jah). Her eyes open wide, her body is tense. She tests the wind, straining to hear. A howling call in the night, and she's knows it is time. She is gone in a flash of spark and flame, living up to the pet name her lover recently bestowed upon her. She hesitates only a moment to grab the chamomile sprigs she had sought out just for this occasion, and she's on the way. Darkened legs carry her to the female, voice raised to call out for her other mate, Canaan. She had been craving him lately, wanting to know him, desiring to find out for herself about everything Circinae had been telling her.

    She slinks through the underbrush and into clearing, beneath a shady tree where her lupine companions writhes and squirms. She creeps forth, wuffling softly and greeting her. She looks her up and down, then places the chamomile near the girl's muzzle. She begins the process of licking and rubbing on pressure points to ease the pains of birth, awaiting the arrival of @[Canaan] and the new babe. She humms softly, like trying to put a child to bed. She is large next to the small wolfen frame, but tries to be comforting. She works tirelessly, trying to provide @[Circinae] with as much reassurance as possible until the pup arrives.

    My city, your mountain, stay with me, stay.

    stronger than you know

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    Aa - by Jah-Lilah - 09-25-2017, 08:29 PM

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